Chapter 36

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"So you guys sorted it out between you?" Eunji asked rather excitedly as they both sat in the cafeteria, enjoying their breakfast.

"Yup, I'm glad we're okay now." Hana sighed, biting into her cream bagel she had bought. "It was really fun yesterday night, just talking about the old times, you know?" She smiled at the older female.

"That's good." Eunji followed, biting into her chocolate spread toast. "But seriously though, you need to sort it out between you and Chim before our graduation. You really don't want to be fighting on a special day like that." she raised a brow.

"I will." She looked down at her t-shirt.

"When Hana? There's only 3 days left till we graduate." The tall girl emphasised the amount of days as she held the girls hand. "I know you've tried Han, I understand but you both know that you really like each other and I'm sure he wouldn't want to just let you go now."

"I know, I know I'll go look for him now actually. Can you come with me?" Hana asked cutely to persuade the female, otherwise she wouldn't come. "Just once?" 

"Alright, fine but if he actually talks to you, I'm leaving." The purple haired beauty smiled and stood up with her friend. "Hurry before class starts you bitch." She took the bagel out of Hana's hand and ate it herself.

"What the fuck? That was mine whore!" Eunji just laughed at the shorter girls words and instead, ushered her forward to look for the familiar grey head.

The two best friends walked through the empty hallways as they looked for Jimin. They almost gave up until they heard the unfamiliar high pitched voice of a female.

"Awh, Jimin~" The girl sang out and Hana felt as if her soul had left her body.

"That dickhead." The lassie heard what her friend said and watched as she left to the direction of the voices. 

Following after her, she wished she could plunge out her own eyes at the sight.

Jimin leaned over a black haired girl as they basically sucked each others faces off. Jimin's hand was clearly under the girls shirt as she moaned out in pleasure.

Before anything, Eunji made the first daring move as she grabbed the male by his black turtle neck that he had sported. She yanked him hard as he jerked back a bit.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" Eunji screamed in his face as her face flushed red in anger. The frustration was clearly evident on the females face as she gritted her teeth together, straining her jaw.

"Eunji stop." Hana held a hand on her friends hand as she looked up at the smirking boy. Her gaze traveled onto the other addition who stood rooted to her spot, near the wall.

"You're fucking disgusting." The short girl spat in the latter's face as  she tried her best to calm down the raging Eunji. "What are you trying to do, Jimin?" 

What surprised her more was that, instead of saying that it wasn't what he looked like, Jimin had the audacity to scoff. Turning his head away, the 18 year old threw her an annoyed look. "Can you not see Song Hana? You just disturbed us." He frowned.

"Disturbed?! We di---"

"Eunji don't. He's not worth it." Hana turned on her heel as soon as she felt her stupid tears prickling her dark eyes. "Let's go." She held onto the taller girls hand.

"We're not fucking done yet." Eunji threatened the grey head as she let herself get dragged away, not forgetting to throw him a nasty glare.

Before they could turn to the next hall, Hana stopped at a halt. "Sorry for disturbing you guys. You can continue after we've left." She choked a bit on her words before sprinting away, Eunji calling out to her behind her.

You could have just fucking told me you lost feelings, instead of showing me the person I lost to.

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"Where's Jimin?"

A shorter chapter than usual but I promise to make the next chapter longer.

Thank you for reading.

Bye bitchesssssssssssssss :))))))

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