Chapter 29

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| Song Hana

"Can you help me?" Jimin's head popped out through the crack of my bedroom door. His hair was wet whilst his lips formed a slight pout. "My shoulders are hurting and I can't dry my hair properly."

"Come in." I sighed and swung myself out of my comfy bed as I made my way towards my bathroom, waving my hand at the boy as an indication for him to follow. "Sit down." I told Jimin as I turned the hairdryer on.

"Be careful. My scalp is sensitive." He pointed his finger at me as a warning.

"No I'm gonna pull your hair out of your roots." Rolling my eyes with a laugh, I ran my fingers threw his hair softly before turning on the device and drying his soft hair. "Your hair is really soft." 

I complimented and watched as the boy winked at me through the mirror that hung in front of us.

"Thanks baby." He smiled.

"Tsk, such a flirt." I couldn't hid my smile though as Jimin laughed out aloud, holding onto the bathroom counter for support. "Jimin! Sit straight." Pulling him by his shoulders, I proceeded to finish drying his hair.

"I'm gonna fall asleep. It feels so nice." Jimin closed his eyes as I continued to run my fingers through his hair. "Can you do this everyday." He asked cutely.

"Hah, you wish Mini. It's enough work drying my own hair." I retorted.

"Okay you're done now. Off you go." I switched of the hairdryer and set it on the counter before walking back into my room, stretching my arms out with a yawn. "Damn, I'm sleepy." I shooed him off with my hand.

Before I could even get into my bed, I felt his arms smoothly wrap around my waist as he held me into a warm backhug. "You smell nice." He rested his chin onto my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Yeah I know but let go, I wanna go to sleep." I whined but secretly smiled, not wanting him to let go of the comforting hug.

"No let's stay like this for a bit." Jimin tightened his hold on my waist and turned before sitting on the bed, meaning that I was now sat on his lap. "Before you say, No you're not heavy."

I smiled at his words and leaned my head back into his chest a little more. "But I'm gonna fall asleep." I spoke softly tilting my head to see his face right next to mine.

"Then go to sleep baby." He gently placed a peck onto my cheek.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Jimin."


In the morning, we were obviously not in the same position as the night. Now, Jimin was lying on his back, me on top of him as his hand rested under my shirt. The latter was deep in his sleep a he let out soft breaths into my ear.

I slowly reached out to my phone that was set on the nightstand, careful to not wake up the sleeping boy. 6:50. Shit! We're gonna be late. I gingerly shook the boy under me, not even realising the position we were in.

"Mini, wake up. We're gonna be late." I shook his shoulder and immediately, his eyes shot up to see my face right in front of him. "Wake up."

His soft 'Just woke up' changed right away when he saw the position we ended up in with me basically straddling his waist with my two legs on either side of his body. "You'd look sexy as a dom, you know?" He winked with a smirk on his perfect face.

"Yeah you know what else I would look sexy doing?" I whispered sensually, leaning closer to the shocked and puzzled boy. I delicately brushed away his grey locks away from his fair face before leaning down to his ear. "Punching your annoyingly perfect face."

I swung my body of the bed and watched him still look at my face shocked but with a hint of embarrassment now. "Fuck," He slightly looked down at his lap. "Can you leave for a second?" He stuttered after seeing my proud and smug face.

"Why would I leave my own room?" I inquired.

"Hana, I swear to." Jimin huffed and ran his fingers through his hair, grabbing the pillow beside him to cover his problem. "You do know that I'm still a man?" He looked me straight in the eyes with an different expression. One that's different from the rest of them.

One that showed lust.

"Alright I'm out." I hurried out of my own room as I made it to Jimin's room instead so I could still shower.

Shit, that was close.


"I know, we were so close to being caught by Mr Hwan!"

"That's your fault for sneezing so damn loud." I whispered back to Taehyung who was blocking his mouth with his palm. "He definitely saw us." I groaned and the rest of them shushed me down.

"You guys are honestly so retarded! We're already out of the school idiots." I stood up from my crouched position and whined when I felt the stabbing pain in my thigh after bumping into the edge of the stair case before.

"Oh yeah." The rest voiced in unison and followed me out. 

"What was the reason of us skipping our lesson to do absolutely nothing." Eunji quizzed, her arms folded over chest with her face forming a frown. 

"Well Noona, would you rather be in that stupid chemistry lesson right now then?" Jungkook asked the older girl sarcastically. "If yes, I wouldn't mind kindly escorting you there." We all laughed quietly at the brunet mocking the female as she pouted.

"No, I mean like we literally went through all of that to just stand here?" She mumbled.

"We just got out, love." I stated and looked to around the dead hall just in case there were any teachers or even members of the student council lurking around. 

"Right, come on. We can quickly make it to the rooftop." I waved my hand at the group and tiptoed my way towards the flight of stairs at the end of the hall.

"Don't make noise, any of you." Yoongi pointed his finger at the seven as a warning before his eyes narrowed at one of them in particular. "Especially you, Hoseok."

"Wha---" Hoseok was cut off before he could even deny the olders words.

"Shut up, horse!" They all whisper-yelled and finally followed the youngest up the stairs.

"Arm wrestling!" The boys all yelled when we closed the rooftop door. The girls sighed and watched the boys as they shouted and competed over who was the strongest.

"You were right, Ji. We should have just went to science." I huffed and fished out my phone from my back pocket.

"Told you Bitch."

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"Just say you're still mine."

Bye Bitchessssssssssssssssss :))))

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