Chapter 11

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We finally reach the crowded table which was located pretty much, exactly in the middle if the huge cafeteria. Jimin never let go off me as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb and smiled at everyone at the table.

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend. Hana." Jimin motioned for me to sit next to him, which i did. On my right, sat Jimin and on my left, sat the grey-haired boy, Yoongi. "Yo, I'm Min Yoongi. You're really cute." he spoke and I have to say that his voice was extremely comforting. "Thanks. I'm Song Hana."

"Hello, I'm Jung Hoseok!" the brown-haired boy beside Yoongi yelled and smiled. "I'm Namjoon." Namjoon nodded at me and smiled, revealing his dimples. "Oh Hyung, You both have dimples!" Taehyung announced causing Namjoon to look at me again and wink.

"Twins." He reached his hand up to give me a high-five in which I laughed and returned gladly. "Ok I'm the Handsome one, Kim Seokjin." the blond one piped and blew me a kiss making the rest groan and complain. 

"Hyung your so cringe, honestly." Yoongi groaned from beside me before he went back to drinking his coke.

"Shut up." Seokjin got embarrassed as he start biting into his untouched lunch. "Hey Hana, what lesson do you have next?" Jimin finally asked from my right as I got out my timetable. 

"Shit, I have Opera." I whined, I fucking hate Opera. "Well that's sad everyone else has English." Eunji wiped her her mouth with her tissue before sipping on her drink.

"Wait you speak English, don't you Hana?" Taehyung questioned as the rest looked at me. "Uh yeah, I'm from Australia." I nodded and Taehyung spoke again. "Namjoon hyung also speaks English." He nudged the older boys shoulder and grinned.

"Are you from here or?" I asked the boy when he looked at me. "My Mum was actually really strict with English studies when I was young so yeah I learnt it at a young age."

This time he spoke to me in English as the rest stared at the two of us, confused as heck. "That's really cool. If I was from here, I probably wouldn't be able to that." I answered back in English and he shrugged.

"What can I say? My Mum has always been strict as fuck." I laughed and bobbed my head. "Ok guys, can you tell us what you were talking about? Or were you chatting shit about the rest of us?" Jimin raised his brow causing me and Namjoon to burst out into laughing. 

"He's so stupid." I laughed and Jimin eyes widened.

"You do know i'm not that incapable! I still know what 'stupid' means!" He groaned which made the rest to join in on the laughter. "We were joking we weren't chatting shit about any of you." Namjoon told the rest but still playfully threw me a wink to tease them a little more.

"Bro stop flirting with my girlfriend." Jimin hugged my side and glared at Namjoon who just showed him his middle finger.

The guys were really nice and it was nice to finally have some real friends for once. In Australia, school was extremely dead. Everyone always stayed to themselves and just came to school to do work and go home, one big reason why I always got bad grades and didn't listen to any of the teachers. 

 Although It always seemed like I didn't like anyone and didn't want anything to do with anyone, It was the opposite, I just wanted someone to hang out with whenever.

Harper and me went to the same primary school before we got separated in high school as I got forced to go to medical school and she was allowed to join Theatre school. I always said that I wanted to become an Idol, especially after listening to Bigbang with Harper.

Although I asked many times, my parents always thought of dancing and singing as a mare hobby. So I decided to leave and come to a place where I can actually pursue my dream and not be judged for it. 


It was much later, 7:00 pm to be exact, the guys and Eunji wanted to hang out so here we are, stood outside a fucking haunted house. 

Never in my life did I think that hanging around with a bunch of friends consisted of being dragged to a isolated mansion. But anyway here we are, trying to look for a way to get into this place.

Whilst Namjoon and Yoongi were hitting against the windows and doors, trying to break it so we can enter, there was Seokjin and Hoseok pissing in their pants. "Guys, I don't think this is a good idea, look we can't even get in! Let's go---"

"Shut the fuck up Hoseok. Do you want us to fucking get caught or something?" Yoongi cut off the scared boy as he clung onto Taehyung and Eunji.

"Hyung seriously get the fuck off us."Taehyung ripped his shirt out off Hoseok's grip and moved Eunji away from him as well. 

"Any of you speak one more word and i'm gonna use you to break this stupid window!" Yoongi turned around and smacked Jimin on his head causing me to laugh.

"What the--- I didn't even do anything though!" Jimin whined and rubbed the back of his head and turned to me. "Hey guys, let me try something." I finally spoke through all the fuss and stepped forward towards the door, causing Namjoon and Yoongi to step away. 

My hand slipped up and went under my cap, searching for the small object. Finally I pulled one out, making everyone to look at me in pure confusion. 

"What the hell is a bobby pin going to do? Don't tell me you're gonna to throw that at a wooden door, expecting it to open." Eunji eyed me like I was an idiot as Taehyung laughed and pat her head.

"You're seriously dumb, Just take out your flashlight." I shook my head at the girl and moved my gaze back to the stubborn door. The girl just pouted and took out her phone for the flashlight. 

After fiddling with the door lock for a bit, a certain click was heard from the lock, immediately resulting me to smile and exhale a breath. I didn't even realise I was holding my breath all that time.

The rest seemed even more puzzled than before as I smiled and stepped a few steps away from the door. 

Before they knew it, I ran straight towards the tall door, slamming it open with my foot. The wood slammed against the wall inside as It created a loud noise leaving the rest to jump in shock.

Turning towards the shocked group, I smirked and motioned for them to follow inside.

"Let's go catch some ghosts, bitches."

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"These motherfuckers were the ones that made them noises!"

Bye Bitchesssssssssssss:)))))))))))

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