Chapter 18

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<< YOUTH.>>


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"Hana Hurry!" I heard Eunji yell from our dorm living room. 

It was already 2 days into our week holiday. Currently, we were all at mine and Jimins dorm as we planned on going shopping and changing our hair colour. Well, this was all planned for yesterday but us being us, can never stick to our plans.

I stared at my natural black hair in the mirror, admiring it for the last time. I wasn't sure what colour I was going to change it to as I trusted Yoongi to pick because he has 'The best taste in the group'.

"It's about time you finished hoe." Eunji pulled me out of the dorm as soon as she saw me leave my room. "The rest are waiting outside the dorms."

She answered the question before it even managed to leave my mouth.

"How're we getting their?" I flattened out my dress as we made it out of the dorms and the boys were now in our sight.

"Yoongi and Jin both drive."

"Do they have cars?" I turned to her.

"Yeah, they have cars as well. Yoongi's family are rich as fuck." Eunji replied, her eyes wide open as if emphasising her statement.

"Oh really? You can't tell though. I'm glad he doesn't act like a snob." I smiled when we finally reached the boys.

"Okay, seen as though Yoon and me both have a car, we will split up in teams off 4." Jin opened his car with his car key and pulled open the door before leaning on it. "I'll take Eunji, Tae and Joon." 

"That leaves Hana, Jimin and Hobi with me." Yoongi glared at Hoseok who smiled sheepishly.

"I swear to god Hobi, do what you did last time and I will personally grab you by the neck and throw you out the car." Yoongi sarcastically smiled before getting into the drivers seat.

"You know what? I'm not even going to bother to ask what happened." I said after seeing Hobi's nervous smile.


"Do you guys know what colour you're getting?" taehyung asked.

"I'm going dark." Yoongi chuckled. "I'm tired of having to bleach this bullshit all the time." He ruffled his hair whilst everyone watched him.

"We should do a surprise actually!" Hoseok suddenly clapped as we made it to the shop, catching everyones attention in the shop.

"Hobi, Shut the hell up." Jin smacked his head.

"Ouch." He whined.

"Okay shut up all of you let's just go it's our appointment."

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