Chapter 23

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<< LOVE.>>


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"Come on, Joon! I wanna see your girlfriend!" I pushed the boy forward.

"Alright wait, let me bring her." He rushed off to somewhere as I smiled at his excited behaviour. 

Although Namjoon seemed like he was strong and just a bit clumsy at times, he really did just need a bit of company in his life. To make him happy, how we all were when we were together.

"Hana, meet my girlfriend." Namjoon smiled, revealing the identical dimples that we had in the middle of our cheeks.

This girl was extremely short, almost as short as me. She was more of the cute type of girl, her hair a bit longer than a regular bob. She had big innocent eyes and a cute little button nose in the centre of her symmetrical face. She also, wore a short red gown that just about reached her knees.

"Hi, I'm Hana. It's nice to meet you, I hope you keep our Joon happy. He can be clumsy at times but that's just his speciality." I smiled as Namjoon pushed me slightly by my shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you too Hana-ssi, I'm Haneul. And I'll try my best." She laughed.

"Oh you have the same name as my sister." I chuckled as she also reminded me of my 10 year old sister. Cute and smiley.

"What a coincidence." Haneul chuckled softly

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Hana!" Hoseok squished me from the back.

"What?" I turned to face the boy as he pouted.

"I want you to meet someone as well." He dragged me away before I could even say bye to Namjoon and Haneul but managed to wave at them whilst I was basically dragged.

We came into a halt as my eyes were met with an extremely foreign pair. The girl was definitely a mix of Korean and something else.

She had dyed silver hair that was straight and fell down her back like a water fall. She was pale, full and pink lips, big and sharp eyes and a slightly pointed nose and she was a bit more on the skinnier side.

"Hey, I'm Hana." I reached for a handshake and she nodded and accepted it with the tiniest smile on her face.

"I'm Aliyah." She greeted me with a nod. 

If you don't mind me asking, are you from here?" I spoke politely as the girl shook her head.

"No, my dad's british." She finally let her full lips curve into a big smile.

"Oh that's cool, so you speak English? Actually I'm from Australia." Changing to English, I popped.

"Yes I do, I only moved to Korea about 6 months ago."

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