C H A P T E R 2 3

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Arabella's POV

"Good morning Lilly" I greeted lilly the very moment she buzzed me inside through the thick glass doors.

"Good morning Ella." she smiled up at me and went back in her work.

If you guys wondering what happened yesterday. Then let me tell you that nothing happened. Alexander Knight just stormed back in his office, slamming the door harshly after him. Except for that he didn't do anything. Absolutely nothing. No screaming shouting yelling fireing anything. Some part of me is relieved that he didn't made a scene but the other part of me is still worried about why he became so livid.

Might be he was already angry before I saw him.

Might be he was extremely jealous of Theo?

That's impossible. Why would he be jealous of Theo? And what's his business to be even jealous.

We will see in the future. My subconscious scoffed at me.

Stupid subconscious.

I went directly to my cubicle and dropped my bag before heading toward Theo's office.

"What have you got for me to do today? " I asked standing in front of his desk. But he was fully emerged in his work with his fingers typing furiously on the key board and a frown etched on his eyebrows which was covered by his glasses.

"Um. Can you give this documents to Mr. Knight? I was supposed to do that but I've other work to complete." He said finally looking up at me from his computer screen. He handed me a thick spiral binder file which held the documents he was talking about.

"Sure thing." I said lifting the heavy file by both of my hand.

"I owe you one." he gave me a very boyish grin.

I smiled back at him and headed out of the door toward Alexander's office. The moment I stepped out of the glass door seperating the architect department from the other part of the floor. Alison rushed out of her office toward me.

"There you are." Alison said approaching me.

"Hey." I said when we both were standing right in front of one another.

"Mr. Knight want to meet you in his office." she said looking very tired even her makeup is unable to cover them from me. Might be her eyes which always turns soft grey when they land on her friends, but instead now its nearly white and they are very cold.

"Okay why?" I said frowning toward her.

"I don't know." she said with a shrug before heading back to her office.

"Thanks. Wait how are you now? You seemed quite upset yesterday." I said stopping her with my voice as my hands were occupied.

"I'm fine darling." She smiled at me but her eyes stayed those marble whites. Maybe she is facing a hard day.

I tugged back the loose strand of hair from my forehead behind my ear. I knocked on the door three times when a gruff 'come in' resonated the room. I got in his office before let the door shut itself behind me.

And he was seating there with his laptop on his glass desk. The long sleeves of his navy blue shirt was rolled up to his elbow showcasing his muscular forearm which were working tirelessly on the keyboard of his laptop. I advanced toward his desk reluctantly as he seem to didn't feel the presence of myself in his room

"Sir Mr. Maxwell asked me to deliver this to you." I said placing the heavy file on the top of his glass desk. He didn't looked at what I just placed in front of him or even at me but instead all of his attention was on his laptop.

"Thank you Ms. Heatherway." He said when I thought about speaking again as he was not giving any response, but he didn't looked up at me.

He usually doesn't call me by my surname...

He is still off because of jealousy.

Like the hell I care.

My subconscious squinted her eyes at me.

No actually I care! For my job! I don't want to lose my job!

My subconscious rolled her eyes with a exasperate sigh.

"You asked to see me?" I asked seeing he isn't trying to start the conversation on why he called me in his office in the first place.

"Yes." He said continuing on furiously typing something in the keyboard. Even now he didn't bothered to look up at me.

"What is it sir?" I said shifting from my right foot to my left one, feeling very uneasy.

"Mrs. Heatherway asked me to deliver the message to you that they will held a small gathering of friends and family in your brother's house this weekend. And she want you to contact her for your dress." he said but still didn't looked at me. Or even anywhere else but his laptop screen. But did he just said something about my dress?! God it feel so weird to hear your boss talking about your dress.

"Okay Thank you." I said nodding back at him.

"Where is your phone Miss Heatherway?" he asked when I turned in the direction of the door. I turned back toward him in such a short time that my head turned dizzy.

I left it in my apartment.

Well actually it was not intentional. When I woke up in the morning my phone was dead, lying on my bed lifeless. I completely forgot that I've a phone and I need to take it to my work because it was charging that time in my bathroom. And on top of that I didn't bothered to switch it on when it was charging. Now I'm feeling like I want to scream at myself.

God knows how many times my mother tried to call me!

Your mom is gonna kill you today... My subconscious was also in fear.

Yes I know.

"You know Miss Heatherway, you should never leave your house with out your phone. What if something happened to you while you were on the road? And what if you got stuck in an emergency?" he said with a hint of anger in his voice. He laced his hands in front of him on the surface of his desk.

"I'm sorry sir. But the battery was dead." He pursed his lips in a thin line before giving a nod.

"Talk with your mom when you get home. You should now proceed with your day." He said looking at me before diverting his attention back to his laptop screen.

"Sure I'll do sir." I said before getting out of his room and tackling the rest of my day.


I feel sad when Alexander turns cold... 😢

Any guesses what will happen in the gathering??

Don't forget to vote, share this with your friends and let me know your thoughts in the comments!!


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