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~this is it~

Jareth thought to himself, as he watched the shadow of Brunk raising up his blade into the air.
Shutting his eyes he thought of you, as he waited for his demise.

But right as Brunk was about to swing, a giant boulder came rolling through his village and began knocking everything over.
Including one of the ogre that had been holding onto Jareth.
Though Jareth fought against the hold of the remaining ogre, his strength was far too depleted to escape it's grip.

Brunk watched in horror as boulders came pouring into his camp.
he turned back to Jareth, once again raising his blade into the air to strike. when a large white dog came running up behind him and bit down on his ankle, dropping his blade he yelped in pain.

*YOU STUPID MUTT! GET OFF!* Brunk balled his fist up, getting ready to swing at Ambrosius when sir Didymus leaped into action.
Drawing his small sword he stabbed Brunks hand, causing Brunk to stumble and fall into the remaining ogre that was holding onto Jareth.

while the ogre were distracted.
You, Ludo, Digsby and the rest of the goblins came rushing in from the treeline, Ludo sending stones rolling at the ogres in the village as you and Digsby ran to rescue Jareth.

When you reached Jareths side he was barely moving, you gently pulled him into your arms as you checked him for any wounds.
While you only found a couple scrapes and cuts on him, his body was covered in ogre fist sized bruises and showing clear signs of malnourishment.

*What have they done to you?..* you whispered as you gently pressed his head into your shoulder.
scanning your surroundings, your eyes stopping when they found Brunk.
He had somehow managed to reach the other side of the camp and was headed for the Crystal staff.

You watched as he picked it up and raised it into the air, preparing to slam it into the ground like what he had back at the castle.

Everyone in the camp froze in fear as they watched him slam it into the ground, sending a large shockwave over everything around him.
You pulled Jareth into you as you tried shielding him from the approaching shockwave.

Knowing that this would be the last moment you spent with Jareth, you Buried your face in his hair.
Holding him against you, you took in everything about him, as you waited for the blast to reach you.

But after nothing happened, you looked back towards Brunk, only to see a giant wall of stones shielding you and the others.
You then looked off to the side, only to find Ludo stood but a few feet away, desperately trying to hold the wall in place as the shockwaves crashed against it.

*Ludo!?* You called out to him over the sound.
the stones began to crumble under it's force, and though Ludo kept calling more stones to replace the ones that had disintegrated.
He was clearly exhausted, and wouldn't be able to hold up much longer.

After several minutes had passed, the shockwave died out.
Ludo being completely exhausted collapsed to the ground, the stone wall falling with him.

*Ludo!* Digsby cried out as he and the other goblins rushed to Ludos side, frantically checking to make sure he was okay.

You looked at Digsby, waiting for a sign that Ludo was alright.
But quickly verted your eyes towards Brunk, he let out an unsettling cackle as he looked at you.

It was clear he was enjoying your torment, basking in what he had done as he raised his crystal staff back into the air.

Completely helpless by this point, you just froze as you watched Brunk prepare for the next swing.

a voice howled from the tree branches above Brunk.
He quickly scanned the branches above him, only to have something slimy smack into his face.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now