~The broken heart~

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~It had been 3 years since Sarah had come and gone from my life, but even now the pain was fresh As if it had happened only yesterday.
My days since then had all morphed into one
As I sat glumly in my throne, oblivious to everyone around me going through past memories of Sarah.
Almost trapped in thought.
~I wonder if there was ever any hope of her staying.
if there was anything I could have done to make her stay...

But I guess it was too late now, she was long gone.
My only connection with her.. this crystal ball..
But no matter how much I wanted to, I could never bring myself to look within it..for fear of what I might see.~

*Sir. Sir? You're majesty!?* A little goblin yelled, hopping trying to get Jareth's attention over all the ruckus that was overwhelming the throne room.
Jareth Snapped out of his daydreams and looked about at all the screaming and chaos that was daily, then looked down at the small goblin standing in front of his throne.

*Yes Bibbly?* Jareth spoke, a broken smile upon his lips.

*Um..are you going to eat? You haven't had anything all day..and uhh..it's bad for..um.. health! You don't want to get sick do you?* The little goblin said, nervously squirming in place, she always felt so awkward talking to him.
But he was like family to her and she didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

I looked up at my clock, it was 6:00pm, but even though I hadn't eaten.
I just didn't have an appetite, and all this ruckus wasn't helping.
I could barely hear myself think let alone what Bibbly was trying to say.
With one Swift move i was up from my throne almost effortlessly,  I looked around the room before letting out a loud whistle.

* quiet! QUIET!* I raised my voice, causing all the goblins to fall silent.

Finally having got their attention, I made it known I was going out to the meadow.

*I'm going out to my Meadow, I don't want to be disturbed.
Do I make myself clear?* I said, looking around at all the goblins.
Who shook their heads violently to show their understanding.

*Good* I said as I took one last look around the room then left.

Bibbly was a bit shocked. *he has been acting so strange since that Sarah girl and her brother showed up here* Bibbly said to a nearby goblin who was just as shocked as her.
But nodded his head in agreement.

~Time Skip~

I walked into my meadow behind the castle, I felt bad for reacting the way I did to the goblins, they were just doing what they always did.
It usually didn't get to me, but today.. today wasn't just any old day...
It was the anniversary of when Sarah and Toby had come into my life and turned my world upside down..
I had never really realized how alone I was until they showed up.
Ever since, I couldn't stop thinking about it.
What it'd be like to have someone who loved me.. someone I could spend the rest of my life with..

I closed my eyes, thinking of the ballroom once again, how lovely Sarah looked.
And how at that time I had thought maybe she loved me.

*How could I be such a fool...* I spoke as the pain began to eat at my soul.

Then the familiar song began to play in my head.
It made me feel the way I did when Sarah and I danced together. and if I could capture that feeling and relive that moment.
It was worth it.

🎶There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes A kind of pale jewel
Open and closed Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes.

~my voice struggled as I tried to sing.
The pain growing more intense with every word.~

There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now