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The weeks flew by and you found yourself spending a lot of time with James.

It was a friendship unlike any you'd had before, between all your shared interests and just his personality, it left you in a weird mesmerised state anytime you were with him, which was from whenever you ran into him, up until night fall.

But today, today you had other plans.

You finally managed to get some alone time and went to see Jareth.

You walked up the hallway to his room, gently knocking on his door.

*Jareth?..are you in there?..* you question, but receive no answer.

Your heart sunk in your chest as you turned to leave.

You'd been trying to get over to see him for weeks now, but anytime you'd tried.
James seemed to appear and end up diverting your attention somewhere else.

*(Y/N)?..* you heard Jareths voice from behind, Causing you to stop dead in your tracks.

Turning to face him, you found a sleepy looking Jareth standing in the doorway to his room.

His shirt hung loosely from his body, his chest peeking out from where his shirt was unbuttoned.

*I-i um..* you momentarily close your eyes trying to focus.
*I was wondering if you would maybe be interested in.. taking a walk with me?..*

Jareth looked back in his room as if to check on something, then returned his gaze to you, pulling the door closer behind him to where you couldn't see anything.

*y-yeah, I'd like that..I just need to freshen up a little..meet you down at the library?..* Jareth says tiredly, his eyes almost seeming to avoid yours.

*I guess that'll work..see you in a few?*
You respond, your eyes flickering over towards the small open space between him and the door.

He gives a small, almost fake looking smile and goes back into his room, closing the door behind him.

Your heart sinking once again when your mind starts to wander.

You try pushing the intrusive thoughts out of your head as you make your way to the library.


Jareths body sunk to the floor as he leaned against the inside of his door, his eyes burning as tears fought to emerge.

The broken crystal shards on his floor bringing him a feeling of familiarity.

He had been randomly checking in on you the past few weeks to make sure you were okay, but every time he looked into one of his crystal balls, he found you with James.

The pain that followed causing the crystal to shatter in his hands.

~ i know whats coming... you wanted to talk... you have decided to be with James instead..~ he thought to himself.

All the memories he had with you flooded his mind, and he could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes.

Everything he had feared was coming true, and he had to face it.

Jareth looked up to his clock, checking the time.
*I should probably get ready..*he says breathlessly as he forces himself to his feet.
Grabbing some clean clothing before heading off to his shower, Stopping momentarily when his reflection cought his eyes.

He had dark circles under his puffy eyes, his face was sunken in and his unruly hair looked like that of a bridge troll.

~pull yourself together Jareth, you're a Man, start behaving like one~ 
Jareths mother's voice rang clearly through his mind from the last time he'd seen her.
it was just after McGullens death, and he was at the same point he is now.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now