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YOUR PART~ 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🧜‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏾‍♀️🧜🏿‍♀️

You were laying against the stone, still crying from the memories of your mom that kept replaying through your mind when you suddenly heard something fall behind you.
You turned around to find the man from days before...he looked like he was in pain.
You swam over to the edge to check to see if he was alright when his eyes closed and he fell limp.

Struck with panic you pulled him over to you, frantically looking him over to find what was wrong.
You placed your hands on his chest to check for a heartbeat, only to realize his ribs were broken.

And not just slightly... they were worse than you had ever seen.. making you wonder how he even made it down here.
With his complexion...it was clear there was internal bleeding.. and he wouldn't make it if he didn't receive medical attention fast.

You shook your head in disbelief, you finally meet the man of your dreams only to have him dying in your arms...

Tears began to stream down your face as you watched his breathing become more labored.

*No.. not you too, please no.. please..*
You cried out, your head hanging over him.
You held him to you.
Your tears falling to his now motionless body.

that's when it happened... your hands began to let off a bright light and a weird tingling sensation filled your body.. you watched as the color returned to his face and his ribs went back in place.. feeling as if they were never broken..
You watched in amazement as he breathed with ease, watching his chest rise.. and fall...

~he looks so peaceful...so.. perfect..~ you thought to yourself, your gaze traveling up his body, stopping when they reached his lips.
Thoughts began swirling around your mind.. giving you the urge to kiss him.

*I- I shouldn't....* You whispered, drawing your lips closer to his.. until you were but inches apart... your eyes scanning over his face before closing your eyes and laying your forehead against his.

*I..I can't...* You opened your eyes, gently laying him on the ground.
Planting a small kiss on his forehead before backing up and diving back into the lake, forgetting the crystal ball next to his unconscious body.


*Sir? Sir?? Are you down here Sir??* Bibbly hobbled down the stone path that lay between the trees, stopping when she seen him laying at the lakes edge.

*SIR!!* She ran as fast as she could to reach him, quickly checking for a pulse when she got to him.
Breathing a sign of relief when she heard his heartbeat, then began to gently shake him to wake him up.

*Sir, sir? Sir wake up*

*Hgmph Bibbly..why are you shaking me?..* he mumbled before remembering what had happened and quickly sat up, causing his head to smack into Bibbly's.

* Ouch! Sir, what are you doing on the ground?* She asked rubbing her now sore head.

*I...* He stopped, thinking about what had happened.
Wondering if it was a good idea to tell anyone what he had seen.

*Hm I'll have to get back to you on that one, Bibbly* he answered, rubbing the knot that was beginning to form on his forehead.

*Um..ok sir...* she said as she offered a hand to help him up off the ground, the expression on her face making it clear she knew something was off.

As he moved to stand up he realized there was no pain, not even a little.
Gliding his hand down his ribs, his eyes went wide as he realized they were no longer broken.

*Sir?..is everything ok?...* Bibbly questioned, a worried expression once again covering her face.

Being confused and unsure of how it happened, he decided it'd be best not to say anything for the time.

*Um..yes, Bibbly.
I was just wondering.. do you see my cane anywhere?.. I seem to have misplaced it*

Realizing that indeed his cane was not next to him she started looking around the nearby trees.

Placing his hand on the ground as he waited for Bibbly, he felt something cold and smooth beneath his fingertips.

Looking down he realized it was a crystal ball.. but not just any crystal ball.. but the one that fell in the lake...

*Sarah..* he whispered as he lifted it up to meet his gaze, part of him wanting to see her again.
But before he could do anything, Bibbly interrupted him with his cane.

*I found it! It was leaning against the tree, starting to regret the color choices..that took way longer than it should have.. anyway, here you go sir* she held out the cane to Jareth, drawing his attention away from the crystal ball.

*Thank you Bibbly* he smiled softly as he took the cane from her, using it to help him to his feet.
Once again gliding his hand down his ribcage to check for broken bones.

~how is that possible?..~ he thought to himself, taking one last look at the lake before him and Bibbly headed back up to the castle.


You sat half emerged hiding behind some stones and water Lilly's, watching him and the little creature that had showed up shortly after you had left his side.

~what is that thing?...*you thought to yourself as you watched the creature called Bibbly wandering around by the trees , That's when you noticed it, you had forgotten the crystal ball next to the man..

You watched as he picked it up, staring into it intensely.
You wondered if maybe he seen something like you had earlier that day.

*I... I guess it was his..* you whispered to yourself as he slipped it into his pocket.
You felt creepy for watching him but his every move seemed to enchant you, leaving you frozen in place.

You watched as he looked back your direction, a look of curiosity across his face as he scanned the water around you.

~was he... looking for me?...no..no.. that couldn't be it... could it?...~ you thought to yourself, clinging tighter to the stone you were hiding behind.

You sighed as you watched him turn to head back up the stone pathway between the trees.

*Goodbye mystery man...*you whispered, sinking into the lake.

I'm sorry for delayed updates😞 the cell towers are completely down out by me.
I'll hopefully have the next chapter soon.
And you guys will finally get some real one on one time with Jareth!! 💙

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now