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Jareth looked at his hands trying to make a crystal ball appear, but nothing happened.

*What do you mean your powers are gone??* Bibbly asked now panicking worse than before.

* They're gone, I can't even make a crystal* he looked down at her with fearful eyes, still trying to form a crystal ball.
Then suddenly the earth shook, and the ground beneath them started caving in.

Jareth quickly grabbed Bibbly and started running, carefully leaping across the stones that were falling out from beneath his feet.

Stopping abruptly when a tree in front of them started falling, leaving them stuck on the stone floor that was collapsing beneath them.

*What are we going to do?!* Bibbly cried out, Jareth looked down at her sadly.
He didn't want her getting hurt, he had oddly enough began to think of her like a daughter.
So as the ground fell beneath their feet, he wrapped himself around Bibbly to try and protect her.
Watching as the world around him fell down...


You were sitting in the lake waiting for Jareth to return when suddenly a loud thundering sound filled the air.
And the earth around you shook like crazy.

You watched as dust arose from the far north side of the castle, remembering what you had overheard Bibbly tell Jareth you now were more worried than ever.

* I have to get over there* you said as you pulled yourself up on to the land.
*I have to help Jareth* the last of your tail out of the water, you were now pulling yourself across the grass.
Rocks occasionally cutting you, but you didn't care, you had to help him.
Something in you knew he was in danger.

You were about 6 feet up the path when the sun came out from behind the clouds, completely drying up what water you had left on you.

You stopped when a weird tingling sensation started traveling down your body, stopping at your fins.

~What was that?~ you thought to yourself, looking down at your tail you noticed your scales disappearing.

You watched as your long (F/C) tail split into legs, Leaving you frozen in shock.

*W-what the hell just happened???* You shrieked as you quickly turned on to your back.
Patting down your legs as you tried to make sense of it.
Then that's when you realized it, you were naked from the waist down.
*Oh gosh* you said as you quickly curled your legs up to hide yourself.

~theres got to be something around here I can use~ you thought to yourself.
Looking around you seen some type of cloth up by the back entrance to the castle.

*Here we go...* You grabbed on to a nearby tree, pulling yourself up to a standing position.
Your legs trying to give out as you tried letting go of the tree to walk.

*Darn it!* You exclaimed as you realized your legs were too weak to stand on their own.

You were about to start dragging yourself across the ground again when you got an idea.

*With as close as these trees are...I could use them to steady myself as I made my way up to the castle.* You said as you reached for the next tree, quickly pulling yourself to it once grabbing ahold.


Jareth opened his eyes slowly as he came too.
He was beneath his labyrinth, it was dark and dust filled the air around him.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now