~Mystery Man in the Meadow~

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(Y/N) swam until she reached the bottom.
Completely exhausted she collapsed against the stones that lay at the bottom of the lake.

*I-i- oh my gosh I- don't think I've ever swam that fast, in my life* (Y/N) laid on the ground gasping, trying to catch her breath.

*I-i wonder if he seen me?* She laid back and closed her eyes, retracing him in her memory.

*(Y/N)? Are you Ok?* A familiar voice came from behind (Y/N) causing her to set up and see who it was.

*Y-yeah I'm great, just catching my breath, thanks for asking*
(Y/N) said looking at her friend Jill, who had a worried expression on her face.

*Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you.* Jill said helping (Y/N) off the ground.

*Oh.. I was..uh..*

*Yes?*Jill spoke lifting both eyebrows.

(Y/N) grabbed Jill's hand and pulled her over so she could tell her, she scanned the area to make sure no one else was around.

*I went to the surface* (Y/N) whispered, so that no one else would hear.

*YOU WHAT!?* Jill exclaimed, causing (Y/N) to frantically cover Jill's mouth and pull her behind some nearby stones.

*SHHHHH* (Y/N) Said in a yelling type whisper.
She knew what would happen if someone heard.
So she slowly took her hand down from Jill's mouth.

*You went up to the surface??* Jill questioned, this time quiet enough so that only (Y/N) could hear her.
But clearly still freaked out.
(Y/N) nodded her head then looked up towards the surface.

*I know we aren't supposed to go up there...but I couldn't help myself.

you should have seen it Jill, it's so beautiful up there.
All the trees and flowers..and the sky.
Then there was a beautiful song..*
(Y/N) spoke still looking up to the surface, her expression as if she was looking at what she spoke of.

*(Y/N).... you can't be doing that.
What If you got hurt? WHAT if you died??* Jill put her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, snapping her out of the trance like state.
You're my best friend (Y/N), I couldn't bear it if something happened to you...* Jill hung her head and removed her hand from (Y/N).

*It's not like that Jill, it's nothing like the stories we were told.
It's beautiful and peaceful..and the man..* (Y/N) trailed off as she started thinking about the man in the meadow.

*Wait, you met someone?? * Jill's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe her ears.

*N-not exactly...we didn't speak..
I was watching him from the lake..
He doesn't even know I exist..* (Y/N)'s expression saddened with every word.

*Hmm so you were stalking him, I gotcha* Jill teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

(Y/N)'s face suddenly turned to shock as she looked at her friend.
*I-i-i NO! I..oh my gosh I was*
(Y/N)'s face was suddenly covered in a dark red blush as she tried to hide it in her hands.
Jill just giggled, it was obvious
(Y/N) thought this guy was cute.

*Hmm what is this guy like, if you don't mind me asking?* Jill asked now curious about this mystery land dweller.

(Y/N) slowly peeked through her fingers, revealing an (E/C) eye, then she lowered her hands from  her face and looked at Jill, who seemed to be waiting for an answer.
*Are you serious?..or are you just messing with me again?..*

Jill laughed and lifted (Y/N)'s face out of her hands.
* I am seriously, you've piqued my curiosity.
What was it like being up there?*

(Y/N) smiled and started telling Jill about all the amazing things she seen and of course the man in the meadow..

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now