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  reaching the small office down the hall, (Y/N) sat uncomfortably in a small chair just inside.

Dr Andrews stood in the doorway, a look of confusion as he stared at her.
he had expected more of a protest while trying to get (Y/N) to leave her mother's hospital room.
Anger, sadness, something.
But she didn't, she seemed almost lifeless as she sat there.
Her expression empty as she seemed to gaze off into nothing.

*I have another patient  I need to check on real quick...i'll be back shortly Ms (L/N)... please wait here*

He Waited a moment for a response, but when he didn't receive one he started heading out.
Taking one last glance at her before closing the door behind him, leaving (Y/N) alone with her thoughts.

From outward observation, you'd never known how torn apart she was.

But inside?

Multiple voices seemed to scream in her head as she sat there, each one more tormenting than the next as she stared blankly at the floor.

~ this... this can't be real, right?

She was fine, how did this happen??

How could you not notice something was wrong (Y/N)??

Why weren't you there for her??

You should have known!



her heart sunk into her chest as memories began flashing through her mind.
Her mother laughing while they were at the park.
A kiss on her forehead as she tucked her in at night as a child.
The feeling of being wrapped up in her mother's arms.
Her soft voice calling "I love you (Y/N), sleep well" as they made their way into their rooms.

She wanted nothing more than to experience all those things one last time.

She once again drew her knees up to her chest, burying her face in her arms as she sat waiting.
Silence eating at her, until muffled voices Drew her attention up to the door.

Moments later the door opened and Dr Andrews stuck his head in.

* Ms (Y/N), I'm sorry for disappearing like that.
One of the ladies down the hall needed medical attention.

He waited once again for a response, but still received nothing but silence.

*Can..I.. get you something?...
Ms (L/N) ?...*

Her eyes finally met his, and part of him wish they hadn't.
The pain he seen in them tore at his heart every time their eyes met.

*N-no...thank you though..* (Y/N) loosened up slightly, letting her tail fall free from her arms.

*Can we just get whatever it is you brought me in here for over with, so I can get back to my mom?* She looked back up at him, a hopeless expression across her face.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora