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Jareth took in (Y/N) face one last time
before watching the stones fill in the doorway.
Taking a deep breath, he turned to face the army ahead.

*Goodbye, (Y/N)...* He whispered before stepping out into the open, the ogre rushing the castle on his sighting.


You froze momentarily before slamming your hands against the stones that now divided you and Jareth.

*No!* You cried out before once again slamming your hand against the stones.
This time leaning forward to let your head rest against the cold rough wall.
Tears streaming down your cheek as you thought of him.

* (Y/N), We need to get out of here, it won't be long before the ogre break through.* Mosh said as he gently tugged at your shirt.

You looked back at Mosh and Hobins for a moment before returning your gaze to the stone wall before you.

*Please be careful Jareth...* You whispered to yourself before turning around to face Hobins and Mosh.

*Ok, let's go help Digsby* you said sternly before wiping the remaining tears from your face.


The three of you ran into the throne room in hopes of finding Digsby, only to see a room full of panicked goblins running around screaming.



You looked down at Hobins, who was now facepalming himself.

*Do you see Digsby anywhere?* Mosh yelled up at you, as he tried to see over the chaos filled room.

*No I don't see him anywhe- wait! There he is!* You exclaimed as you violently began pointing to the doorway across the room.

And sure enough, Digsby stood in the doorway, a look of frustration clear on his face.
it lightened slightly at the sight of you guys, until he realized Jareth wasn't there.

You, Hobins and Mosh began pushing your way through the madness until you reached Digsby.

*What happened??* Hobins yelled over the deafening sound that surrounded you guys.

*What?? I can't hear you!* Digsby replied, causing Hobins to repeat himself.

After about the third time of hearing them scream the same thing, you decided to drag them into the hallway.
You usually wouldn't have been so rude, but it was an emergency, and you needed to get everyone out of the castle as soon as possible.

They all gave you a look of bewilderment before Hobins explained everything that happened to Digsby.

*He's.. he's gone?...* Digsby said in almost a whisper, his expression clearly showing his pain.

*We...we don't know...
But before the wall caved in, he gave us orders to help you get everyone to safety... and if-* you paused when you thought about the fact, those could be the last words you ever heard from, the last time you'll ever hear his voice.. and the last moment you'd share with him.

Your eyes began to burn as tears fought to emerge from the corner of your eyes, you swollowed hard and wiped your eyes before you finished.

*And if those...were his final orders... I want to make sure we fulfill them...*

Digsby nodded sympathetically as he gently placed a hand on your arm.

*Alright. Alright, we can do this. For Jareth. For our goblin King.* Digsby spoke passionately before walking back into the chaos filled room.
Climbing up on Jareth's throne, he began to shout for everyone to quit down.
They all stopped and looked at him, it was clear they were terrified.
And after Digsby explained everything to them, that expression only seemed to increase.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now