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Carly's p.o.v

" We're going on tour for 5 months in 3 months... "  This was shocking enough for me to drop my fork 

" You are what? " Mom asked 

" We're going on tour this summer but we will have a 5-month vacation after that! " 

" 5 months? " I choked out fighting tears

" Look. Carly... the time will go in a blink of an eye- "

" Sve it. I'm not hungry " I got up and went to my room. I felt bad for snapping at him but it happened from anger. I can't stay a whole day without him being home. Now I have to deal with it for 6 months! 6 fucking months! 

" Carly? " I heard my dad call out but I ignored it 

" Carly " He came up 

" What? " I asked through tears 

" Look. I am really sorry but I have to do it! I can't simply quit. This contraction will go on until 5 more years! Legal actions will be taken if I break this "

" Dad... it is just that. I would miss you. I barely make it through a day without seeing you, now I should handle 5 months. 5 FUCKING MONTHS DAD! It is not that I don't want you to go, it is only because I will miss you so much " I hugged him tightly 

" Don't worry baby girl. I will facetime you every day. And we still have 2 months. I won't be going anywhere in these 2 months. Not even the studio. I will be right here, waiting for you at home " 

" Can you take me to school and get me from there every day? " 

" Anything for my princess. Just don't be sad. I will miss you too but we have been like this for 15 years! Look, you're all grown up now! I know that this band has been going for like... 18 years but music is our passion, We can't leave it like that... trust me " He held my hand 

" I- I- I just love you so much, dad " I hugged him again and cried harder 

" I love you too, princess " He kissed my forehead 

" So let's go down? " He suggested 

" Sure! " I smiled, wiped my tears and followed him downstairs 

" You okay? " Mom asked 

" Yes. I just got a little upset over him going on tour. Nothing big "

" Well, there is still Darcy, Ashley, Taylor, Blake and Jake. None acted like this! "

" Crys. We knew about this today so Darcy didn't know about it when she came with Gordon. Especially Blake, Darcy and Ashley would be devastated when they know " 

........................... The next week ............................

I woke up smiling. I would normally groan but after what happened yesterday I would wake up with a smile knowing that I will never miss my dad for 2 months. Maybe these 5 months wouldn't be that bad, after all. I took a quick shower. I dried my hair and left it open since it is naturally curly. I took out light blue jeans with a full sleeve greyish green shirt with a grey beanie. I put on my black boots and went down. 

" Goodmorning dad and mom

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" Goodmorning dad and mom... Gordon "

" Someone is cheerful today. You are always grumpy! " Mom asked. Well, I won't if dad would take me to school every day! " 

" It is weird seeing you not in black or shorts " My dad complained 

" Do you want me to go and change? " I smirked 

" Oh, god no! You ready? " He asked 

" Yup " I took an apple 

" You know that you need to eat something proper as breakfast not only an apple. Or atleast drink some juice " 

" Ok. Tomorrow I will try a banana " I giggled

" You should laugh more. Your smile is cute " 

" Thanks, dad. I will if you stay beside me " I smiled 

" I'll be back in 5. Love you, Crys. " Dad shouted and led me to the car. The drive was short to the school. 

" I love you, dad. Drive safely! " I kissed his cheek and exited the car. Everyone around was like...

" OMG, is this Michael Clifford? "

" That bitch is really his daughter! " 

" Oh how I want to play with his fluffy hair " and so on 

" Yes, bitch. This is Michael Clifford MY dad and Allie, you'll never be able to play with his hair. Only ME, his daughter " I smirked 

" Well, well, well! Look who decided to show up! And in colorful clothes! Too bad " Blake laughed with his asshole friends 

" Fuck the flying fuck off, Blake " I pushed him and walked past him. He took my arm and slammed me into the lockers

" You don't push me like that or your punishment would get worse " He smirked and kneed me in the guts. I fell down in pain as they start kicking me. I soon started coughing but blood came. I heard some people talking around me like

" What happened? "

" That bitch did deserve that! "

" Haha. Daddy's girl, Carly can't get up! " 

And much more hateful comments before darkness took over me

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang