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//Pic of Blake above//

Carly's p.o.v

" I did. I really do like you " 

" Oh... " 

" And I am really sorry for the things that happened in Highschool " 

" But for now... can we stay friends " 

" Anything is fine with me if I will be close to my best friend " 

" I miss you, Blake " 

" I missed you too, Carly " He took me in for a hug 

" Let's go? " 

" Let's go! " We walked back to our parents huge smiled plastered on our faces 

" Mom... dad... " I said extending the words just like I used to do when I wanted something from them 

" What do you want? " 

" Can you please move back to L.A? " 

" Carly " 

" Pleaseeeeeee " 

" We'll think about it " 

" I also got something to tell you " I dragged Blake back 

" What dear? " 

" We got our bestfriends back," I said, unsure if they'll be happy or not 

" But Carly- " 

" Dad. He didn't mean to do anything. Taylor forced him! She said that herself! " 

" Blake Edward Irwin. You mess up one more time, you'll have to deal with me " He warned 

" I know. I have messed up big time but I promise to do my best for her. She is special for me " 

" She better be " 


The day has come! I am finally starting Collage! I woke up and skipped happily to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done, I dried my body and went to wake Ashley

" Ash? Ashley? Wake up " I shook her awake 

" What? " 

" Vacation is over. It's the first day of college " 

" Ughhh. I'm up " She groaned

" Good " I smirked to myself and went to get ready. I picked out a strapless black dress with white stripes at the sides. I took mt denim jacket and tied it around my waist. White converse was the perfect match. I took my black small bag and put in my pens, phone, charger convertible and my wallet which had $100 and my ID. I shoved in the three books that I will be studying for the next 2 years. Physics, maths and interior designing. My major is interior designing but Ashley is taking acting. (outfit and hair below)

 (outfit and hair below)

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I was finally ready to go

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I was finally ready to go. Iopened the door are showed Ashley 

" Oh my- what the fuck? My bestie is so hot " She bit her lip 

" You look so cute! " She was wearing a white crop top with a skirt and white Nikes. She dyed her hair a little lighter and kept it open 

" Let's go? " 

" Let's go just let me text Blake for a sec " 

" Ooh. What happened? " 

" Ash, we have been friends for like... 3 days? " 

" He likes youuuuuuuuuuu " She whined 

" So? I want it to be slow " 

" Hey! " Blake walked over 

" Hi. What are you studying? " 

" Music " 

" Nice! Taking over Uncle Ash! " 

" Yup " 

" I miss Darcy! " I cooed 

" We have been apart for like 2 days and I miss her too " 

" She's your sister, idiot " 

" So? I still miss her. I also miss Gordon. How is he doing? " 

" Good. Just like how you were when we were 14 " 

" Video games addict? " I nodded 

" That's my boy! And guess who my roommate is "

" Who? " 

" Leo! " 

" No way! He is going to have his ass beaten up for not telling me " Ashley joked 

" I'll go get my timetable " I said as I entered the principal's office 

" Hello. I am Carly Clifford. I am new here... " I said awkwardly

" Letter? " He asked as I handed it to him 

" Here. Your locker is the same as your locker " He friendly smiled 

" But my roommate? " 

" It is one locker split into two sections " 

" Okay thanks " I took the table and the keys and went outside 

" Ughh. Sunday Maths, Monday Interior designing, Tuesday Physics, Wednesday Maths and Thursday Interior designing " I fake cried 

" I'll go get mine " Ashley went next and came out a few minutes later

" This will be so fun! I only got 3 days a week! Our lockers are together! " 

" I know! " I squealed with her

" I'm next! " Blake entered then came out with a key 

" WHAT? " I whisper-yelled 

" Yup. 4 days a week, 1 hour each day " 

" Hey guys, I was late cuz someone didn't bother to wake me up " 

" LEO JAMES RICHARD. I'M GONNA KILL YOU " Ashley whisper- yelled 

" What? " 

" What didn't you tell me your roommate was Blake? " 

" It slipped out of my mind! Anyways, I need to go get the timetable " He excused himself and went to the principal's office. 

" 4 hours a week. We share lockers " Blake guessed

" How did you know? " 

" I got my timetable " He shrugged 

" Guys, I'm hungryyyyyy " I whined 

" Let's go get some sandwiches before classes start " Ashley suggested 

" Sure! " We all agreed and went to the cafeteria

" Wait. I gotta keep my books in the locker " I rushed to our locker, put my backpack, took out my wallet and went back 

" And... I'm back! " 

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now