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Carly's p.o.v

We walked in, going up the spiral stairs. On the first floor was our living room. It had 2 huge sofas and a TV on the way. Beside the TV wall, there was a small balcony with some stairs. Down the stairs was our backyard. It has a kiddie pool and a 3 meter pool. There was a grill on the side and a picnic table. The grass was perfectly grown, not too long, not too short. After we were done discovering the backyard, we went to the dining room. There was a brown table with six chairs sat there. Further there was the kitchen. It was as simple as it could be. A stove pressed against the wall, a refrigerator in the corner. Some cupboards were hung on the walls and another one under the sink. A white dishwasher was found under the counter top. The pantry was somewhere in the other corner. There was no exact wall. It was just a table between the dining room and the kitchen. 

After examining the fisrt floor, we went to the second. There were two rooms. Each had a queen sized bed and a huge walk in closet. Bathrooms were in each. Both the rooms were the exact same. The third floor had 2 more rooms. They had king sized beds and a huge closet but it wasn't a walk in like downstairs. Both also had bathrooms but I think this would be better. Now to the last one, it had 2 other rooms and a . Both had T.Vs but one of them was bigger than the other. Both had comfy and cozy couches. 

" This is one huge house. More like a damn mansion,. " I sighed in amazement 

" Yup. But at least we get more room. The dorms were so fucking small " Blake defended 

" I know right! " Ashley agreed 

" So... this is the game room. We'll be playing video games, board games and all that. How about the last room we'll make it the movie room. We'll put a small popcorn machine in thecorner, 4 bean bags here. We can buy a few movies and put store them here. IT WOULD BE AWESOME! " Leo exclaimed 

" Ok... so next week, we're in. After moving in with 2 days, we'll start these rooms. But for now, back to the dorms and pack up " 

" Okay, mother " Ashley rolled her eyes 

" Oh shut up! Im the oldest. And this house is bought by my name " 

" Yea, yea " 

" C'mon, Ash. Ya know, I'm not that bratty! " 

" I know, I know " She giggled 

" Let's go! " 


I know this is so damn short but I'm having a writer's block. My mind is blank. This is more of a filler. I wanted to show you how their house looks like. I feel as if I'm writing a descreptive writing for English class. Anyways... HAPPY 10 YEARS OF ONE DIRECTION. I can't believe it already has been 10 years. Love y'all. SEE YA SOON! <3

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