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Carly's p.o.v

We're finally at college. It was way bigger than I expected. I took my bag and went to the receptionist. 

" Um. Hi. I am Carly Clifford. I have applied 3 months ago? " 

" Did you get the letter? " 

" Yup " I handed it over 

" Okay. You dorm is in the building on the left, floor number 4, dorm 301 "

" Thanks " I took the keys and went outside to wait for the others 

" Dorm number? " I asked Ashley as soon as she got out 

" 302. please tell me you got it too " 

" 301 " I frown 

" At least we're neighbors! "

"Numbers? " I asked Leo and Steve

" 305 "

" 307 " 

" We're in the same building. Thank god! " 

" Let's go! " Ashley half-shouted 

" Geez. Turn the volume down! " 

I got to my dorm, unpacked all of my stuff and plopped on my bed 

" Hey, neighbour! " Ashley entered 

" How did you get in? "

" Door? " 

" I'm pretty sure I locked it " 

" UNlocked door. You must've forgotten to lock it or something- " The door bursting open, cut her off to show Taylor Hailey Hemmings who have made my life miserable for years

" Carly," She said, chewing her gum loudly

" Carly " Uncle Luke came in 

" Uncle Luke," I said awkwardly 

" How has life been? " 

" Good " 

" Where are your parents? " Taylor spat out making Ashley run away

" Ash. Wait- " I ran after her but I was too late. The door was already locked 

" Ash. I know that this is a sensitive topic but let me in. Please " 

" Okay then. I guess I'll go get Leo " I said and went to the boys' dorm 

" Leo, your girlfriend is locked up in the dorm. Can you come to help her out? " I called out from outside his dorm

" What happened? " 

" My roommate is a bitch. She has brought up our parents. She got really upset " 

" Poor girl. She misses her dad like crazy "

" I know " 

" Ash! It is me. Babe. Please open this door. I swear I'll break it! " We heard her unlocking the door

" Ash " We took her into a bone-crushing hug 

" I- I am sorry I ran off like that " 

" No problem. I know what you're going through and I know that you miss your dad but you need to get over it sometime " 

" So you're saying to forget about my parents? " She asked, hurt 

" No. Ash. I didn't mean it that way- " 

" Get out " 

" Ash " 

" Get out, Carly " 

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن