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Carly's p.o.v

" Darling, come down. You'll be late for school " My mom called out

" Mom, I don't feel good " 

" Ok then, I will drop Gordon off, your dad will be with you all day. I will go and hang out with the girls so you'll have the house to yourselves tonight "

" Ok, mom. Love you "

" Love you too sweetheart " Once I heard the door close, I took my phone and called Ashley 

" Are you coming to school or not? I am worried sick about you, girl! " 

" Ash, get ice cream and come to our house, ASAP " 

" What happened? And why aren't you going to school? " 

" Just shut up, get that damn ice cream and come here " 

" Ok, geez " She hung up. 5 minutes later, she was at the door 

" Ash! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school? " Dad asked

" I was not feeling good so I called her over " I said from behind 

" Ok, then. Enjoy! " He said as we ran over to my room 

" C, spill " 

" It has been a few days of throwing up and mood changes. I always have that weird feeling in my stomach as if there is something in there but isn't coming out " 

" When is your period supposed to come? "

" July 23- No way! " 

" It is 3 weeks late! What the heck? Could you be- " 

" No, please " I hugged my knees and cried 

" Let's get some tests and find out "

" What if I am? " 

" You know that your parents will support you, no matter what happens, right? " 

" I know but... there is something wrong "

" What? " 

" Ash, I don't have a boyfriend " 

" WHAT?!?! " She practically shouted 

" What do you mean? " She whisper-yelled 

" I don't have a boyfriend! I lied about dating Jason so you would stop trying to get me a man " I huffed 

" You don't remember anything happening? " 

" Umm... there is one thing but please promise me not to tell anyone "

" I promise, just tell me who is the baby daddy " 

" Blake " I bit my lower lip 

" What do you- No. No! It can't. No " She started crying 

" Ash... its okay. Please don't cry. You will make me cry now "

" So you are telling me, that you got raped by your ex bestfriend of 15 years and you don't want me to cry over it? " 

" Ash, it was hard for me but I am trying to forget it. I can't live with this pain my whole life so I am trying to forget it " 

" No matter what happens, I will support you. Nothing could change that and also you need to stop cutting " 

" I know but it is hard to quit " 

" Let's get the tests then see what happens " 

" Ok " 

" Hey dad. We're going out for a walk, fresh air would be good right now. I might go to the drug store and get some medicines " 

" Ok sweetie. Love you " 

" Love you too, dad " I kissed him on the cheek and headed outside

We went to the nearest drug store and got 5 tests. We walked for a few minutes and talked until we were finally home 

" Dad, we're home! " 

" Hello "

" I need to go to the bathroom real quick " I skipped to the bathroom and took the tests. A few mintutes until I looked on these sticks that might change my life... 


She isn't pregnant. Maybe I'm lying, maybe I'm not, well see. Only if you scroll to the next chapter. Love you lots :b

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now