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Blake's p.o.v

" My necklace- " I took out the necklace hiding under my shirt which had 'Carly' on it

" Let's go "

" Did you ring Uncle Mike? "

" You can call them in the car " He unlocked the police car and hoped in

" Uncle Mike? I'm sorry I'm ringing this late but you've got to come to L.A " My voice craked

" What happened? Did something happen to Carly? Did you knock her over again? Did you break up? "

" She's in the hospital. Please come fast " I sobbed into the phone

" We'll be there in a few hours " He said and hung up 

" We're here " He said, killing the engine. We rushed into the hospital 

" Excuse me? There is this girl. She was found in the sea. 18 years old " 

" Room 204, sir " She said politely 

" Thank you " We quickly thanked her then literally ran to the room 

" C- Carly? " I stuttered once I saw her

She was laying down unconcious, her body filled with bruises and cuts

" Hello? Are you related? Whatcha doin here, Mark? " 

" She's like my neice. Not in blood but we're kinda related " 

" And I am her boyfriend " I smiled 

" Where are her parents? "

" They're coming. They live in Australia " 

" Why? " 

" She used to live in Australia, it is her hometown. She then came here for collage " 

" Your name? " 

" Blake. Blake Edward Irwin " 

" Age? " 

" 18, turning 19 in a few weeks " 

" Her name? " 

" Carly Clifford. Carly May Clifford " 

" Age? " 

" 19 " 

" Parents? " 

" Crystal Leigh Clifford, Michael Gordon Clifford. She also has a brother, Gordon Evan Clifford " 

" What exactly happened? " 

" Well, when we were in high school, I was forced into bullying her. Today she told me that how her father held her when she had nightmares of me bullying her. I broke up with her, knowing that I'm no good for her. I cut in my bathroom until I got unconsious. When I woke up, I found out that her and my mom got into an argument. No one knew where she went but she stormed out of the hospital saying 'You'll not even see me again'. That is what my roomate said " 

" Ok... I'll see what she will say when she wakes up. Thank you, put please don't leave the hospital until all evidence is taken " 

" Alright " I shot him a sad smile

" B-Blake? " 

" Baby! Carly! I was worried sick about you " I hugged her 

" Uncle Mark? " 

" Hey sweetheart " He gave a small wave 

" What happened? " 

" I jumped off a cliff " She honestly said 

" You what? " I stated in shock 

" I jumped off a cliff. Wish I died " 

" Carly, if you died, I would've jumped too. Please don't leave me " 

" I won't but you already did " She said harshly 

" Carly. Baby. I have hurt you in many ways in highschool. I am scared to hurt you again " 

" Blake Edward Irwin, I know you more than you know yourself and I'm sure that you wouldn't hurt me in anyway. Please let's make up " She begged 

" You're lucky I love you " I said and leant in to kiss her. She immediately kissed back but soon later we head someone clear their throat from behind 

" MOM! DAD! " Carly exclaimed 

" Hey Uncle Mike, Aunt Crys " I smiled 

" BLAKE EDWARD IRWIN, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER " Uncle Mike pinned me on the wall, choking me 

" Mike, Michael. Stop " She pulled him off of me

" Dad, he didn't do anything. Blake cut himself and was rushed to the hospital. I went to a cliff to breath in some fresh air. I lost my balance and slipped " She lied 

" You sure? This bastard didn't do anything? "

" I'm sure, dad. Leave the poor guy alone " 

" So you want to see our apartment? " I smiled 

Carly's p.o.v

" We have 2 things to announce but they'll be tomorrow " 

" Daddyyyyyyyyyy " I pouted, giving him baby doll eyes 

" Won't work this time, Carly. Tomorrow " He demanded 

" Okay " I crossed my arms and huffed 

" Excuse me but I need to be alone with the patient to get some information " The police officer said 

" Sure. Love you, Carly " 

" Love you too, mom " I smiled 

" So what happened? "

" My boyfriend got cut deeply and was rushed into the hospital. I wasnt able to breath properly so went to a cliff to sniff some fresh air. I lost my balance and slipped down " 

" Carly, please don't lie. Is this what really happened? No one is hearing. It is just me... " 

" When we were in highschool, my boyfriend, Blake used to bully me. He was forced into it. We met again at collage then we made up next thing we knew, we were dating. Last night, they boys were too lazy to climb up to their rooms so we shared beds for the night. When we were in bed, he held me in a special way. The way my dad held me when I woke up in the middle of the night screaming from the nightmare of him bullying me. When I told him, he said to me that he have hurt me in many ways in the past and that he is no good for me. He broke upo with me then ran away to his room. When I went after him, I saw him in red water, a razor was in one of his hands, the other one was bleeding horribly. We got him to the hospital, I argued with his mother, she blamed me on it. I told her 'you wont even see me again' when she told me not to go near her children. I went to the cliff and jumped down " I said the truth 

" Why did you do that? " 

" Blake broke up with me. I can't even meet his siblings that I love. I felt as if my life was over and that was the first thing that came on my mind " 

" I'm sorry but we might open a case of bullying "

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu