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Blake's p.o.v

I woke up with a stinging feeling in my wrists and machines beeping around me. Shut the fuck up. I opened my eyes and saw mom, dad, Darcy, Jake and Leo. Ash and Carly where nowhere to be seen 

" Where is Carly? " In choked out 

" I got rid of that bitch. She never even cared that you were here anyways " 

" Mom. She's my girlfriend! " 

" She is your ex, now " She smirked 

" Leo? " I asked him

" Your mother told her to back off. She ran away crying " He blurted

" You're not my mom " I said heartlessly 

" Blake! She didn't care! She is the reason you're here " 


" W-W-What? " She stuttered out 

" She said that the way I held was the way Uncle Mike held her when she had the nightmares of me raping her " 

" Blake- "

" Get out " I shouted 

" Blake. Pleas- " 

" GET THE FUCK OUT, MOM " I demanded 

" Blake. Calm down " 

" I can't. I need to find her " I took off all of the tubes I had stuck to my arm, went to the bathroom, changed my clothes and ran off. I first went to our apartment. I entered but found it empty. I checked every room but she was nowhere to be seen. That's when I freaked out and went to the police station 

" Hello? " I knocked on the door nervously 

" Hi Sir. How can I help you today? " 

" My girlfriend. She is missing " 

" Tell me calmy please. Explain what happened " 

" At home, we have argued a little. I broke up with her and ran back to my room. I opened the water in the bathtub and took the razor that was near the sink and stated cutting. When I started getting light headed, I closed the faucet and closed my eyes. I don't know how many hours I have been unconscious but I woke up in the hospital with my parents, sibling and roommate around me. I asked where was she, mom said that she didn't care for me. I asked my friend he said that my mom said to her that she doesn't want her anywhere near me or my siblings. He said that my girlfriend said 'You'll never even see me again' and ran away. I ran from hospital to our apartment but she was nowhere. I checked everywhere but I found nothing " I explained

" I'm sorry but I can't open a case before 48 hours of someone missing. But I'll see what I can do. I have done something like that and we found the missing's person's body in the sea. If we have went to her a few minutes late, she'd be dead. I think you know her... Crystal Clifford " 

" Aunt Crys went through this? " I stated in shocked 

" So you know her? " 

" She is my girlfriend's mom. And also my dad's ex-bandmate's wife " 

" Ok... So you're searching for Carly May Clifford? " 

" Yes " 

" I'll report that case incase something has happened to her. I have knew her since she was born " He smiled 

" Thank you. Thank you so much " I smiled back. 

" Hey Aiden. There is a case of someone called out missing. Her name is Carly Clifford. Hasn't been to her house for 2 days. No- it might have happened what happened with her mother so... search up. Ok... I'll send the pictures in a few " 

" Do you have any pics of her? " 

" Yes " I took out my phone and showed him this pic 

" She's beautiful " He said 

" I know. These sparkling green eyes or her luscious blonde hair " I sighed 

" Don't leave her, kid " 

" I'm not planning on it anytime soon " 

" Why did you break up? " 

" I have bullied her when we were 15. I was forced. We met again in collage and I apologized. We became friends then we started dating. She told me the way I held her tonight was the way Uncle Mike held her when she had nightmares of me bullying her. I told her that I was't good enough for her and broke up with her. It hurts me seeing how much in pain I have put her in 9th grade " I said, shamed of my self 

" How were you forced? " 

" Long story " I chuckled 

" I've got time " He shrugged

" There is this girl... Taylor Hemmings. She gets jealous of Carly and Uncle Mike's close bond cuz she thinks she doesn't have the same with Uncle Luke. She started bullying Carly since we were 13. She slowly dragged Ashley, Carly's bestfriend into this too. She said that id she didn't do this, she'd tell Uncle Cal about it " I felt myself tearing up. I know what happened to him... How he died, who killed him... everything

" You ok? " He asked 

" Yes yes. Just remembering Uncle Cal. How he died, and that when he died he was still angry at me. I miss him so damn much " I sobbed 

" I know. I wonder how hard it was for Ashley to get over it " 

" She didn't. Her parents are a sesitive topic for her. So... Ashley got dragged to the bullying. When we were 15, Taylor told me that if I didn't bully her, she'd make one of the jocks do it. She knew how much I have loved her... " 

" I'm sorry, kid. You know Mali Koa? Cal's sister? " 

" Yes. She has cute little toddlers. He's so cute! "

" James and Daniel " He smiled 

" How did you know? " 

" How can't I know my own children? " 

" You're their father? " 

" Yess... " He nervously chuckled 

" So Ash is like your neice? " 

" Ex- neice " His smile faded 

" Oh yes, you got a divorce " 

" Gotta take this " He said about the ringing phone 

" Hey Aiden. What? Who? How? When? Ok, we'll be there " He said and hung up.

" A fisherman found a girl while fishing. She had a necklace with the name 'Blake' graved on it " 

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now