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Carly's p.o.v

" BLAKE! " I screamed 

" Carly! Is everything ok? Did he do something to you? That bastard- BLAKE " Ashley rambled coming up 

" Ash. Please call an ambulance " I cried 

" Is everything ok-? Oh shit! " Leo came in 

" Please call an ambulance. DO SOMETHING " I shouted 

" I'll call uncle Ash. Leo, call an ambulance " Ashley instructed 

" Hello? We just found our friend in water full of blood. Please help him " Leo said into the phone, his voice craking in the end 

" Ok... I have just woke up to his girlfriend and mine screaming. I went to his bathroom and found him in the bathtub, his wrists are bleeding and the water around him is so damn red. Please help him " 

" Umm... " He told the adress and hung up the phone 

" They'll be here in 2 minutes " 

" Uncle Ash is on his way here " Ashley choked out 

" I'll go open the door " Leo said 

" Blake. Blake, please. Don't leave me. Blake " I cried into his hand 

" Back off. Back off! " The parmedic rushed into the bathroom and strapped him into that thing

They carried him downstairs and to the ambulance 

" Is there any family here? " 

" I'm his girlfriend. His parents will meet us at the hospital " I informed them. They nodded and lead me to the ambulance 

" Blake. Please don't leave me " I took his huge hand in mine and cried. We finally arrived at the hospital a few minutes later 

" BLAKE " Aunt Kay shouted once she saw him 

" You. You did this to my son! " She blamed me 

" Aunt Kay. Please " I cried 

" You'll never even get to see my son anymore. You bitch. You have done this " She cried as Uncle Ash held her back 

" Kay. Please. The poor girl did nothing to him " 

" Oh yes? Then how does she show up in the hospital with him in the middle of the night? " 

" Please just let me explain " I begged 

" 1 minute " 

" After dinner, him and Leo were too lazy to go their rooms so they wanted to sleep with us for a night. He held me in a way dad used to hold me when I had nightmares and I told him. He remembered the past and how he badly treated me in 9th grade. He ended things with us and ran to his room. When I ran after him, he wasn't in his room. I found him in the bathtub in red water. One of his hands was bleeding and the other had a razor with blood on it. He did that cuz he knew I used to cut... " 

" That is no excuse, little miss. Out now. I don't want you near any of my children anymore " 

" Don't worry, you'll not even see me ever again " I stormed out and went to a cliff. I took deep breaths as I got nearer to the edge. I one deep breath and a swift move, I was in the air, ready to end my hell of a life 


What do you think? Drama is coming and I might be ending the book on the 30th chapter with an epilouge. I love y'all so much<3

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now