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Carly's p.o.v

" Blake, I think I like you... " 

It has been 2 months since we started college and I seriously couldn't be happier. Blake and I got closer and hence, I've grown feelings for him

" What do you mean? " 

" I like you, Blake. I really do and not just as friends. More than that " I smiled holding his hand 

" I like you too " He pulled me in for a kiss

" Finally " He breathed heavily pulling me in for another one

" Let's go? It has been 5 minutes. They're probably wondering about where we wandered "

" Ok " He took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and went to my dorm 

" So... guys? " I asked nervously. Leo and Ashley were making out but turned their attention to us. I just raised my hand which was in Blake's 

" OH MY GOD. CARLY, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! " Ashley squealed 

" Did you tell your parents? " 

" Mom and dad are coming next month for thanksgiving. We could arrange a dinner with both our families and announce it there! " I suggested

" That's actually a good idea! " 

" Ok but Exams? "

" Are you dumb, stupid, or dumb? Huh? What Exams do we have in music? Acting? Interior designing will be a piece of cake. Let's go have fun! " 

" Guyssssss " I said extending the 'S' 

" Yes? " Leo answered 

" How about we get part time jobs, get some money and get our own house! " 

" Oh my god! You are a pure genius, Carly! " Ashley squeaked 

" Good idea! " The boys agreed 

" Who has any classes today? " Blake asked 

" Me! I still have 2 more hour so we can cover some space if we start searching now " 

" Let's go, then " We went our separate ways. i was driving into different shops. I entered the Music store which had 'hiring now' 

" Hello? " I asked the woman standing on the counter 

" Hello. How can I help you? " 

" Well, I am searching for a part-time job and I saw the sign outside " 

" Okay. Come for an interview tomorrow at 10 a.m " 

" Sure. Thanks. Do you mind me roaming around? " 

" No not at all " The woman said politely I walked around until I found a few CDs which had 5SOS on them. The self-titled album, Sounds good feels good, young blood, CALM and also Live SOS. I took a copy of each and went back to that lady 

" I'd like to buy these " 

" Well, sweetie. You look so similar to this " She pointed at my dad 

" Yes. I'm his daughter. Carly. Carly Clifford " 

" How should I be accurate of this? " 

" Well, I have my ID, my dad's green eyes, blonde hair, eye shape and all those little details " 

" Face structure? " 

" Mom's " 

" You are one lucky girl " 

" I know " I smiled to myself 

" This will be 30 dollars " I handed 40 to her 

" Keep the change " I said, took the CDs and went back to the dorm. I then decided to call Ashley 

" Ash. Guess what? " 

" Got a job? " 

" Interview tomorrow! " 

" Where? When? What? How? " 

" Music store, 30 minutes earlier. I asked the woman on the counter and she took me in " 

" CARLY! " 

" And come here fast, I need to show you something " 

" Ok, coming " She hung up

Suicides- Michael Clifford (Sequel to AAO)Where stories live. Discover now