We kinda dont have to - Antonio Dawson

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Staring into the mirror as you calmed your breathing, you couldn't believe it, you and Antonio had been so careful yet here you was facing the fact you was was pregnant.

Suddenly it hit you, the night of his birthday, you was both completely hammered and all over each other. Taking a deep breath you wiped your eyes on the sleeve of you hoodie before walking out of the bathroom just as Antonio walked through the front door.

One look over your way he knew something was wrong.

"Baby, are you okay?" He said pulling you into his arms.

"Yeah I guess" I sniffled taking in your husbands scent.

"You guess?" He questioned "what's happened"

"Nothing bad" you whispered "well I hope not"

Pulling out of his arms you took in his expression of worry.

"How would you feel about having another baby?" You asked chewing the inside of your cheek.

"I've actually been thinking about this today" he laughed "maybe we should start trying for one?"

"We kinda don't have to start trying" you laughed. "I'm pregnant"

"Wait, how?" He breathed.

"Well Toni when two adults love each other" you giggled.

"Not what I meant you goof, I thought we was careful?" He said taking your hands.

"Your birthday, we was far to wasted to even think about protection" you laughed.

"You're really pregnant" he grinned.

"Well unless them 3 sticks covered in my piss are lying to to" you smirked "yes I'm pregnant"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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