Blood Makes You Related But Loyalty Makes You Family - Jax Teller

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Jax Teller x Reader

"Where's my girl?" Jax smirked as we walked into the club.

"Rooftop" halfsack replied "she's very pissed off, stormed outta here swiping a bottle of JD on her way out."

"Who pissed her off?" Jax sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He did" halfsack laughed pointing at the unconscious guy in the floor "no idea who he is"

"That's her step brother" Jax sighed as he ran his eyes over the unconscious idiot.

"Wee lassie has a mean punch on her" Chibs laughed. "Go make sure she's okay Jackie boy, this prick said some pretty harsh things to her"

"Tell me about it, I've been in the receiving end plenty of times over the years resulting in many black eyes" Jax half laughed as he walked back out to find you.

You heard sounds of footsteps on the metal ladder and knew exactly who it was, there was only one person who was brave enough to come up here when you was pissed off.

"Wanna explain why your step brother is unconscious by the pool table" Jax laughed lighting a cigarette for you before lighting one for himself.

"He pissed me off" you shrugged taking a long drag of the smoke.

"I gathered that darlin'" he chuckled taking my hand in his "What did he do this time"

"Same shit" you sighed leaning your head against jax's shoulder "came in drunk spouting off about how I'm throwing my life away, started chatting shit about my dad and how I'm following in his footsteps and breaking my ma's heart and then started bad mouthing you, and no one bad mouths my Jax"

Throwing your smoke on the ground stubbing it out with your foot.

"He said that I was an ungrateful bitch and I didn't deserve to be part of this family" you sighed as you drew invisible patterns on Jax's thigh as hot tears ran down your cheeks. "Maybe he's right you know, what do I even bring to the table, I don't work all I do is hang around here drinking and smoking. The old man is probably so ashamed of me right now"

"Hey" Jax said softly lifting your chin up so you was looking him in the eyes "I NEVER want to hear them words come out of that pretty mouth again okay. You belong here as much as I do, you say you don't bring anything to the table, when I'm actual fact you bring a shit ton"


"No buts darlin' you do so much for us even if you can't see it, you are a friend to everyone being a shoulder to lean on when things get tough, you help manage Teller-Morrow, you look after the kids again. You actually manage to keep us lot in check. Everything you do for this family you aren't asked to do, you just do it" he smiled using his thumb to wipe your tears away "so yeah you are a massive part of this family and you old man would be so proud at who you have become and the things you do for the club"

You knew he was right, this is what your mom wanted, for the seed of doubt to be planted in your head, she wanted you to abandon the club.

"You are the reason I've kept my cool with all the shit with Clay. You are a life saver when it comes to Abel, Just look at the ring on your finger, if I didn't think you belonged in this family I wouldn't have made an absolute fool of my self with the proposal" Jax laughed.

"Yeah you did make a idiot of yourself that night" you laughed softly bringing your hand up to his cheek.

"I would go on about everything you've done for me but the boys want to know you are okay" he whispered resting his forehead against yours "blood makes you related but you know it's the loyalty that makes you family, after your old man died your mom stopped speaking to you, didn't want to know you so in my eyes she was never your family. Your family is a bunch of adrenaline filled, angry, childlike men who would move heaven and earth for you if you asked"

"You have a point" you laughed.

"There's that smile that melts my heart" Jax laughed "come one let's go back to the others"

Walking back into the club you was instantly piled on by the guys making you laughed.

"Dickhead has come to, what do you want to do with him?" Opie asked making you look up at Jax, nodding gently.

"Oh I've been wanting to do this for a while now" he smirked striding over to your stepbrother, pulling him to his feet before punching him in the face.

Before he could right himself Jax grabbed him by the collar dragging him through the club.

"If you ever come round here again it will be more than a couple of punches to the face you will get" he snarled dragging him out the doors, only returning once he had left the lot.

You felt Jax wrap his arms around your waist engulfing your small frame as he rested his head on your shoulder.

Looking around the room everyone had gone back to their normal Friday night business and you couldn't help but smile.

Jax was right, you knew it all along. This was your family and this was your home.

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