How Do I Tell Her? - Adam Ruzek

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Adam Ruzek x Reader

Adam knew it was wrong, he had been here before and got the t-shirt as well as the heart break. In fact he had been here twice before, yet for some reason that didn't stop him.

He couldn't help but watch as you broke preps in the interrogation room, how your eyes lit up when every anyone mentioned coffee, how you had your own way of figuring out cases, how taking charge and running point just came natural to you. And they were just a few of the things from the working day. The list would be as long as his arm if he noted everything you did that slowly chipped away at the walls he had built.

"Ruz you are staring again" You laughed bringing him back to the real world.

Your laugh was like music to his ears and he never tired of hearing it.

"I wasn't staring, I just zoned out" He shrugged getting all defensive.

You didn't say anything but obviously rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head and laughing at the idiot you called a partner.

"You in Ruz?" Jay said nudging Adam.

"Huh?" He asked confused as hell.

"I said the girls are all going round to Y/L/N's tonight so us guys are heading to Molly's so you in" Jay smirked knowing full well why he hadn't heard the first time, in face the whole unit saw what was going on as they had seen all this before. However Y/N was oblivious to it all.

"Yeah whatever" Adam nodded grabbing his coat as they said bye to everyone before heading out.


"So I am gonna ask this because I care about you okay" Jay said taking a sip of beer

"Okay" Adam nodded not too sure where this was heading.

"What's your thoughts on Y/L/N" Jay smirked

"what do you mean what's my thoughts on her" Adam scowled.

"Come on man, don't play dumb with me, I've seen how you look at her on the sly" He nudged looking down at his phone texting. "So spill"

Meanwhile the girls had demolished a couple of bottles of wine much to your despise, you was more of a beer, hard liquor and whisky kinda a girl and wasn't a massive fan on fruity drinks.

"So come on girl" Kim grinned. "We have all seen you making heart eyes at Ruzek, what is going on"

"Oh hell no, I do not make heart eyes at Adam, he is my partner and nothing else. I am also not having this conversation with two of his exs I'm sorry" You huffed getting up to go raid your liquor cabinet, soon to find out that your house party last week cleared you out of the good stuff and hadn't had chance to stock back up yet.

"So there is something" Hailey smirked "You wouldn't go on the defensive otherwise"

"Girls night is over" You laughed as you shoved your converse on "I need a proper drink and not going to the shop"

"To Molly's then" Vanessa grinned.

Due to the amount of wine that had been consumed you all decided it would be best to walk seen as you only lived a couple of blocks away. Throughout the 10 minute walk the girls kept badgering you about Adam and it was starting to get on your nerves.

As soon as you walked into Molly's you headed straight to the bar.

"Gimme something strong" You laughed "and not that fruity crap either"

"Don't be causing any trouble tonight Y/L/N" Herman chuckled placing a shot of tequila in front of you, within a few seconds you had downed the shot and the glass was replaced with a whisky glass.

"Would I" You smirked arching your brow before walking off to find the girls who were heading to the booth the boys was in.

However the conversation you overheard stopped you dead in your tracks. Why were the guys chatting about you?

"Okay so I may or may not be in love with Y/N." Adam said, you actually had to do a double take to make sure you heard him correct "I know I've got a track record but I just can't help it. How the hell am I meant to tell her?"

At this point he hadn't realised you was stood behind you, but Jay had caught you stood there, froze in place like a deer caught in headlights and he was just sat there smirking.

"I think you just have" Jay nodded towards you making Adam spin round so fast you swore he was going to fall out the booth.

This wasn't how you had day dreamed this would go but here you was stood there as Adam pushed himself out of the booth, standing in front of you. It was like your hands were magnets because he couldn't help but gently graze you hand with his fingers making your stomach flip.

"What did you just say Ruzek?" You asked with a smile on your lips.

"I said I may or may not be in love with you." He mumbled going all shy all of a sudden making your heart burst.

"Good because I may or may not be in love with you too." You whispered stepping closer to him.

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