Late night realisations - Jax Teller

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Jax Teller x Reader

After everything that went down with the Irish, Jax was still nervous about leaving Abel but the sons had to do the run tonight, they had no choice which was why you was currently laid in Jax's bed at 1am waiting for him to return home.

You wanted to stay awake making sure he got home safe but you was struggling to keep your eyes open. Rolling out of bed you checked on Abel, who was sleeping in his bassinet next to the bed, before getting changed out of your clothes and into one of Jax's t-shirts. The last couple of weeks had been rough but you was the shoulder Jax needed to lean on. You guys had been friends for a couple of years now and had been through some shit together.

As you laid back in bed you snuggled down letting Jax's scent wash over your as your eyes finally closed giving into sleep.

It was now 3am as Jax quietly closed the front door behind him trying not to wake you and Abel. Making his way upstairs he checked on Abel first and had to smile at the fact you brought him to sleep in the same room as you. He softly ran his hand over his sleeping sons head whilst smiling before he stripped off for bed.

He couldn't help but notice how you was very much on his side of the bed, hair splayed out over his pillow, cuddling the duvet as it laid between your knees. It was in this moment he noticed a few things, the first being you was sleeping in one of his shirts which made him smile, how every so often your nose would twitch, the scar under your right eye which he gave you because you stupidly decided to break a fight up causing a punch to land in your face and his rings cutting you so deep you needed stitches. You had no stress on your face as you slept peacefully.

It was in this moment Jax realised that what he felt for you was more than just friendship, thinking back to the last two years he realised he loved you. You was the person that made his dark days not so dark, the person that would always offer a shoulder to lean and cry on, the only person other than Gemma he trusted with Abel.

As he climbed into bed he lightly ran his finger over your arm as he snuggled up close.

"Jax is that you" you mumbled in your sleep.

"Yeah it's me" he laughed softly "go back to sleep"

"Mmm okay" you mumbled before falling silent.

Normally you would move to the couch when Jax got home but with it being so late he didn't have the heart to kick you out of his bed.

Rolling onto his back, he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with him cuddling you as he had no idea if you felt the same but as soon as his back hit the bed you rolled over wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his chest. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around you with a smile on his face before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

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