Drunken Love - Adam Ruzek

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Adam Ruzek x Reader

Adam watched as you danced on the kitchen counter, without a care in the world as you swayed your hips sexily to the music that was playing. You was well past the point of drunk and it showed as you stumbled ever so often. And to be honest Adam wasn't far behind you, if it wasn't for the counter he was propping himself up on he would defiantly be on the floor.

He still couldn't get over the affect you had on him, he couldn't help himself as he bit his lip as he watched you. The thing was you and Adam was just friends but you hooked up quite regular, neither of you bothering to label it, whether it was when you both had one too many drinks or just needed a release from a stressful case, you always ended up in each others bed.

You needed tonight, it had been a long couple of weeks at work and a lot of late nights, you had gotten to the point where you had dropped your cup and was just necking vodka neat from the bottle.

"Yo Ruz you need to to quit staring" You slurred.

"Bring that pretty little ass over here and make me" He smirked.

"Boy you are playing a game you are going to lose" You giggled taking another gulp of vodka, as Adam pulled himself up onto the counter.

"We all know that you lose this game, you always do" He said taking the bottle out of your hands and running his finger down your side.

"Hey give it back" You slurred

"Only if you kiss me" He chuckled taking a gulp of vodka.

Without saying anything you lips was on his, as he wrapped his arm around your waist, with your spare hand you reached round stealing the bottle back, pulling away holding the bottle to your lips "This game is too easy boy"

"Someone should stop them" Kim Laughed.

"They are just having a bit of fun" Antonio laughed.

"Yeah and I give them 10 minutes before they start fucking on your worktop" Kevin laughed.

The room would not stop spinning so calling defeat you sunk down so you was now sat on the counter but it wasn't long before Adam joined you.

Without any warning Adam had pushed you back so you was laying on the cold counter and he was now straddling you, taking the bottle out of your hand he pinned them above your head as he started leaving a trail of hot kisses along your neck causing you to moan quit load making him smirk against your skin.

"You turn, you turn the heat on, you turn every little bit of me on. A little drawl when you talk, little wiggle in your walk. The way you moving it, yeah you got me losing it" He sung off key against your skin.

"Adam what are you doing" You breathed as his lips hovered above yours.

"We're not just friends and you fucking know it baby" He said with lust in his eyes "So lets quit playing and it's about time I let everyone know you are mine"

He closed the gap between your lips as you started a hot and heavy make out session on Antonio's kitchen counter, you automatically wrapped your legs around Adam's waist causing him to start grinding against you, and you couldn't help but moan into the kiss, as you wiggled your hands out of his grip and they found their way to his belt, as you started fumbling to undo his belt you pulled away biting his lip.

"How about we take this some where more private" You giggled.

Adam didn't need telling twice as he slid off the counter steadying himself before he helped you down and the two of you stumbled off into the closes bedroom. As you did you heard the guys burst out laughing.

"And you said they wouldn't have sex on your counter" Kevin smirked, "Them two are animals I swear as soon as the mood changes they go at it not caring where they are, trust me I've walked in on them getting nasty in the locker room"

"I am never letting them live this down" Antonio groaned "The best bit is, I got it on video"

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