Just a One Night Stand? - Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz

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Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz x Reader

You didn't know what to think as you sat in your back garden with the music blasting to try and drown your thoughts out.

It had been a couple of weeks since you and Greg slept together, never hearing from him after that night. You was so happy that it happened seen as you was hiding a crush on him, one which had been brewing for years. You thought he was different to other guys but that backfired in your face.

"Does anyone know what's up with Y/N?" Jay asked as he walked into the bullpen. "Because she really isn't her self after she went home with that guy the other week. Apparently she really liked him"

It was in this moment mouse was washed with guilt, he hadn't messaged you since that night, he was freaked out over the feelings he had for you and they was just made worse after you slept together. But he didn't know how to act on them.

"I've not spoke to her in a few days" he lied "will swing by on my lunch".

You had no idea how long you had been sat in your back garden soaking up the sun but your skin was hot and knew that you would be quite red but you didn't care. Surprisingly you heard someone banging at your front door. Even though you didn't want to see anyone you went and answered it so they didn't think you was dead. What you didn't expect was mouse to be stood there with a guilty look on his face.

"Y/N" he whispered.

"Nope" you snapped slamming the door in his face only for him to jam his foot in the way.

"I just want to talk" he sighed.

"Did you get the hint that maybe, just maybe I don't want to speak to you" you hissed walking off. "You just fuck me and then drop me. Just a one night stand"

"You're more than just a one night stand and you know it" he said staring into your eyes.

"Sure as hell made me feel like on" you huffed grabbing a drink out the fridge.

"I know I'm a dick Y/N, the only reason I didn't call was because I'm scared where this could go" he sighed stopping you dead in your tracks.

"What?" You whispered

"I like you Y/N have done for a while now" he whispered.

"Why didn't you say so?" You asked leaning against the side.

"Because I panicked" he half laugh "avoiding things is kinda what I do"

"I wish you had told me sooner" you whispered walking over to him "because mouse I like you too"

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