Shes yours - Jax Teller

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You couldn't believe it looking down at the tiny human in your arms. The past 9 months you wasn't sure if you even wanted to be a mom yet here you was staring at your daughter and everything changed, you would move heaven and earth for your little girl.

"If only I knew who your daddy was Babygirl" you whispered as she grasped your pinky.

It was in the moment she finally opened her eyes, revealing the piercing blue eyes pairing that with her light blonde hair, you literally had to do a double take. It was obvious now who her daddy was. Turning your gaze to the window you saw your best friend stood against the wall with his phone against his ear, a small smile on his face as he looked up to see you looking at him. Yep definitely no doubt who the father was.

Confusion washed over you as you tried to figure out when the two of you slept together. Pulling your phone out you scrolled back in the calendar and soon realised it was the night of your birthday. Switching to your camera roll you scrolled back to the pictures of that night. You two had been all over each other, eyes glazed over from the weed and alcohol. To this day you had no recollection of that night.


"Come on Jax" you whined wrapping your around his neck "give me the joint back"

"Only because it's your birthday baby" he winked placing the joint between your lips.

"Thank you" you grinned before running off.

Yes you just turned 27 but you was the biggest kid the club had known.

"Whoa where's the fire Y/N" Tig laughed as you ran straight into his chest.

"I stole this off Jax, shhhhh" you giggled placing your finger against your lips.

"Okay, I think somebody's has had too much of the green stuff" Tig said taking the joint off you.

"Imma tell Jax" you pouted crossing your arms across your chest giving him puppy eyes "Tiggy please don't make me cry on my birthday"

"Argh fuck them eyes get me all the time" he sighed passing you the joint. "But no more, you are so high I think you might start flying"

"Tig what you doing with my girl?" Jax said snaking his arms around your waist.

You and Jax had been friends as long as you could remember, you were two peas in a pod and the trouble makers within the club, always have been and probably always will be. You basically grew up around the club seen as your mom was best friends with Gemma.

"Your girl?" You asked giggling.

"Yeah is that a problem Y/N?" Jax smirked backing you against the wall.

Looking round Tig had long gone.

"Jax what are you doing?" You breathed as his body pressed against yours. This was different to the flirty banter you normally had.

"I know you recently broke up with that douche bag" he whispered tucking a piece of hair behind your ear "and it's your birthday so I'm gonna take one for the team and give you a present you will never forget"

"And what would that be Teller?" You giggled

"My cock" he whispered huskily in your ear.

This just made you burst into a fit of laughter.

"Come on the Teller let's go make a baby" you chuckled "taking one for the team, your funny, and I'm only agreeing because the weed is making me horny"

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