Crossed Lines II - Antonio Dawson

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Antonio couldn't believe you actually walked out

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Antonio couldn't believe you actually walked out. This was the worst argument you both had and he knew he crossed the line. None of it he actually meant, it was a heat of the moment thing which he regretted.

He was so angry at his self right now, with the state you was in he wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you.

"Adam I'm crashing at yours tonight" you sobbed as you drove down the road with your best friend on speakerphone.

"I don't like that you are driving in this state, pull over and I will come pick you up" Adam stated.

"I'm fine I'm only a couple of blocks away" you sniffed.

The truth was due to the amount you was still crying your vision was blurry and you couldn't really see the road. But you wasn't gonna admit that.

"Please just pull over" Adam pleaded, he knew you too well and knew you wasn't ok and was lying through your teeth. "I know you are crying I can hear it in your voice. Antonio loves you and thinks the world of you"

Before you could respond you car collided into the wall of the building and the last thing you heard before you lost consciousness was Adam calling out your name.

"Fuck" Adam shouted when you didn't respond. As he was rushing around to put his shoes on he called Antonio.

"You need to meet me ASAP" Adam breathed.

"Isn't (Y/N) with you" he sighed.

"No she was on her way to me with me on speakerphone, I think she had an accident man, she was a couple of blocks from my house, I'm on my way now but you needed to know" Adam said panting slighting from running and taking.

Antonio didn't say anything he just ended the call and running out of the house not even bothered to lock up.

The drive to the location Adam sent him was painful, he was reliving the argument in his head. This was his fault, you made you so angry you needed to get away from him and now he had no idea what state you was in.

As he pulled onto the street his heart broke when he saw the damage to the car and the fact firehouse 51 was there meant things wasn't good.

Abandoning the car he sprinted over praying to the gods above you was ok. He didn't get chance to see you as the ambulance drove off before he reach the scene.

"Ruzek how is she" Antonio asked.

"It's not good man, not good she was unresponsive" he sighed.

"Fuck" Antonio screamed "she was so angry when she stormed out"

"She's a fighter man, she's gonna be okay" Adam said trying to reassure him but it wasn't working.

As Antonio took in the damage to the car tears started falling down his cheeks as he rest his arms against the car dropping his head against them as he cried.

"Dawson" Hank said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's my fault" Antonio cried "all I was doing was trying to protect her from that prick and things blew up when we got home, I crossed a line I shouldn't have and she stormed out, what if they were the last words we spoke"

Hank didn't say anything as he tried to calm Antonio down.


"Antonio stop pacing you gonna make a hole in that floor" Adam sighed.

"What is she doesn't make it?" Was all he kept saying until Adam stood up placing his hands on his shoulders forcing him to stop.

"Stop beating your self up man, she WILL make it. (Y/N) is strong and she will be back on her feet in no time making her little comments" Adam whispered.

"I didn't even tell her I loved her" he cried.

"She knows you love her man, she knows"

"You didn't see her face when we fought Adam" Antonio sighed. "I can't go on without her man she's my queen"

Before Adam could reply will came up to them.

"We did everything we could, the rest it down to her now, she is currently in a coma and we have her on a ventilator" will said placing a hand on Antonio's shoulder "you can go in and see her"

Within seconds Antonio was by your side taking you hand in his.

"Mi amor" he mumbled kissing your hand "I'm sorry, I should have never said those things. Please come back to me, I love you"

"Antonio" hank said "I know you aren't thinking about this but I've cleared your name with IAD"

"Thank you" he mumbled not taking his eyes off you. "She just needs to wake up"

"She will, in her own time" Hank whispered before leaving the room.

"I'm not going anywhere mi amor" he whispered as he stroked your hand "so when you are ready come back to me because without you my whole world comes crashing down"


I don't know whether to be completely evil and these this imagine at this point. I don't know yet 😂

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