Trouble - Adam Ruzek

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Adam Ruzek x Reader

Saturday nights was usually you'd hit the town, get completely wasted and cause complete and utter mayhem through the streets of Chicago which normally ended up with you calling Adam totally drunk out of your mind, babbling away in a taxi home. But in reality Adam didn't care, he actually looked forward to being woken up at god knows what hour of the morning because he knew you had made it home safe. But tonight was different you decided to stay in with the girls, still getting drunk but with a ton of pizza and comfy clothes.

"So you and Ruzek getting serious then?" Hailey asked as you placed the 4 pizza boxes on the coffee table.

"Dunno" you laughed shrugging "we haven't labelled it or anything just seeing where things go I guess"

"I just don't get it, you know he's trouble why would you go there" she asked

"Pot. Kettle. Black" you arched your eyebrow whilst clapping your hands together.

"Fair point Girl" she laughed.

"I know he's trouble, but I don't care." You smiled knocking back your shot "I mean hello have you met me, sometimes I swear I'm the devil"

"Yeah I can see where you are coming from" Kim nodded "why do you think we call you Satan at work"

"Because you all know I'm the devil reincarnated into a giant ball of sass" you smirked. "But I'm all seriousness I don't know what it is, there's just this pull between us, it's like I'm a addict trying to get sober but can't give up the high"

"I think it's love" Kim smirked making you fake gag

"Yeah right" you scoffed "like I could feel love"

"No I think she's right Y/N, I mean just talking about him had you grinning like a twat, you get a sparkle in your eyes as well and when ever anyone mentions his name your ears pricked up" Hailey smiled.

"Look I don't do love, I do short flings with a lot of hard and rough sex" you glared.

"Okay so how long do you flings last?" Kim asked.

"Urm about 6 months then I get bored" you laughed as you took a bite of pizza.

"And how long have you and Ruzek had this fling going on?" She smiled.

"Just over a year now" you shrugged.

"And neither of you have dated or slept with anyone else in this time, at least once a week you two go out for food. And I swear you only ever wear his hoodies and shirts"

"Get to the point women" you laughed.

"This isn't a fling you have going on, it's a full blown relationship Y/N" Kim grinned causing you to choke on your beer.

"I don't do relationships" you glared.

"Whatever you say girl" Hailey smirked. "Just so you know I've seen how you have been grinning at your phone all night when a text comes through and know damn well you will still call him tonight"

You decided you didn't want to hear anymore so hit play on the movie and girls took the hint and dropped the subject. However you didn't drink as much as normal due to being lost in thought and 2am soon rolled around with both Hailey and Kim fast asleep on the sofa. Taking this as your que you grabbed your phone. Making sure the doors were locked before heading to bed and dialling Adam.

"Well this is early for you" his sleepy voice answered.

"Yeah Kim and Hailey have fallen asleep on the sofa" you laughed

About 15 minutes passed and you hadn't spoke.

"Y/N is everything okay you are very quiet tonight" Adam asked.

"Yeah didn't drink as much, the girls said something tonight and it for me thinking" you sighed. "What are we adam?"

"I thought we hadn't labelled it" he asked sounding more awake.

"I know but let's me honest I've kept you around longer than I have any other guy and we act like a couple" you whispered scared to admit the truth.

"If I'm being honest, I see you as my girl" he said and you could hear the smile in his voice "I'm mean as long as you are fine with that"

"That's what I was scared of" you mumbled. "I don't know how to do this whole relationship thing Adam"

"I know that's why I haven't forced anything on you, I've gone at your pace making sure you was happy" he whispered "and you are doing everything perfect I can assure you of that"

"I guess I'm just afraid of admitting that I'm in love with you, in case I get burned like before" you whispered scared your voice would fail.

"It's not going to be like that with me, what you've seen over the past year is what you get with me babygirl. Now I'm gonna order and Uber to come pick you up" he said it was like he could sense you just needed to be held and comforted right now.

"You'd do that" you asked.

"Already done, I can hear it in your voice you need to be held" he said with a smile in his voice. "Should be with you in 5 minutes, stay on the phone until you get here so I know you are safe"

"Okay" you said rolling out of bed, throwing your sweatpants and trainers on before quickly writing the girls a note to let them know where you had gone along with the spare key.

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