It's Just a Cut - Jay Halstead

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Requested by: Anonymous

Prompt: Could I get #8 with Jay. She gets hurt, something fairly minor, and doesn't want to go to med but he guilts her into it. Maybe with an appearance by Will, too "don't lie to me."

Jay Halstead x Reader

"We really should head over to med and get that checked out" your partner said as you both climbed into his car

"Adam I am fine, it is just a small cut" You nodded reaching for the first aid kit, lifting your shirt up your got the first look at the damage, you had been in the game long enough to know when you needed to go to med over an injury and this wasn't one of them times.

As you cleaned up the dry blood you placed a gauze over it.

"See its just a scratch, no need to head to med" You smiled "Now lets head back to the bullpen"

"Fine but if you die on the way back I am not responsible" Adam joked making you roll your eyes "I am also telling Jay I tried to take you to med but you refused"

"You just don't want him punching you in the face" You laughed as you drove down the road.

"Too right" He chuckled. ----- "Baby we really should go get that cut checked" Jay bugged for the 50th time.

"For the 50th time Jay I am fine" You nodded trying not to show that your side was actually hurting and after changing the gauze for the 3rd time you actually considered going to med but brushed it off.

"You keep saying that but I don't think I believe you" he whispered kissing your head. "Because I have noticed that you have changed the gauze at least twice this afternoon"

"Jay I am fine" You huffed.

"Please don't lie to me" He whispered "I can see you wince when you move to fast"

"Honestly I am fine"

"Okay but if you bleed out I warned you" He laughed.

What was it with the males in your life joking abut you bleeding out.

"Will it make you happy if we go to med?" You asked looking up at him.

"Yes it would make me very happy" he nodded.

"Fine we will go but I am only seeing Will, no one else" You huffed.

"Deal" ----- "You need stitches kiddo" Will said looking serious

"WHAT" you said raising your voice.

"You heard what I said" He nodded before cracking a smile "I'm playing with you, you just need some steri strips and closing the wound up should help it heal"

"You do know I hate" You huffed as Will got to work cleaning up your cut.

"Yeah I know" He laughed.

"See told you we needed to come to med" Jay whispered before kissing your head. "I just hate how stubborn your are when it comes to injuries, baby you aren't invincible"

"I know Jay, I just don't like hospitals" You sighed leaning against his chest.

"I know but you know I only do things because I love you"

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