Bad Boy - Jax Teller

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Your mom stood leaning against the door frame watching you grin at your phone screen as your fingers darted across the screen so fast she thought you was gonna dislocate your thumbs.

She knew who you was texting, she knew this would happen, as soon as you came back home and it scared the shit out of her, at the end of the day you was her daughter and the similarities was scary.

You couldn't help but grin as Jax's face popped up on the screen.

"Isn't texting good enough" you giggled.

"Nope, I wanted to hear your voice darlin'" he chuckled. "So you coming to the party tonight?"

"I wouldn't miss it" you smirked twirling a piece of hair around your finger. Hearing your mom cough in the hall made you panic. "I gotta go mom is coming"

"Babe we aren't 15 anymore" Jax laughed "you embarrassed by me?"

"Never, I will explain later okay" you sighed ending the call, sliding your phone in your pocket as your mom came into the room.

"I know who you was on the phone to" mom said no emotion in her voice.

"It was just a friend mom, don't worry" you nodded.

"Look I've told you about him, he is just gonna break your heart, he's on the wrong side of the tracks and is just a bad boy" she said leaning against the side "I don't want you around that life"

"You are one to talk mom, look at pops he was a bad boy and you didn't listen to grandma" you snapped "pops was part of that life and if you didn't want me around it why the fuck did you ask me to move back home"

"Y/N please, I want better for you" she sighed "and being an old lady isn't all what it's cracked up to be. The club was the reason your dad isn't with us any more"

"I'm not listening to this mom, you don't even know Jax so don't even judge him" you said grabbing your helmet and keys.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"Out" you said sharply before slamming the door behind you.

It was no secret your dad was a part of the sons, you grew up around the club until your mom made you move to the UK to live with your auntie when you was 15, just after dad passed.

She hated the fact that you and Jax got on like house on fire and wanted to put a stop to the blossoming relationship. She didn't want you following in her footsteps apparently.

Pulling into the TM lot, you parked your bike, pulling your helmet off shaking your hair out.

You had only been back in charming a couple of months so nothing had happened between you and Jax, just a lot of flirting, reconnecting and some sex.

Swinging your leg off your bike, you placed a cigarette between your lips with a small smile on your face as your god father made a b line for you.

"Aye you just missed the blondie lass" Chibs laughed pulling you into a bear hug.

"Maybe I didn't come round for him" you laughed as Chibs moved his grip resting his arm on your shoulder. "Maybe I came to see me uncle chibby"

"How's your Ma?" He asked.

"Still pissed" you laughed "that's why I'm here uncle Filip, needed to cool off, she's like a broken record yet she's the one that begged me to come home"

"The whole I want better for you than this life speech?"

"You know the one" you laughed sitting on the top of the bench. "She keeps saying she doesn't want me hanging around with the bad boy"

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