Don't Lie to Your Old Man

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Prompt: Can I get The Whole Intellegence Unit? Like Voight has a teenage daughter and she has a bf but no one knows and she goes to the station and forgets about the hickeys

Hank Voight x Reader and Adam Ruzek x Reader

"mmmm if only we could stay in this bed all day" your boyfriend whispered against your bare skin

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"mmmm if only we could stay in this bed all day" your boyfriend whispered against your bare skin.

"I know but you have to go to work and I have to get college and then the gym" You giggled snuggling into his side, running your hands over his chest "But I suppose we got 5 more minutes before we need to get out of this bed"

"You gonna stop by later after the gym" He mumbled into your hair.

"You know I am, its friday so I am bringing dad lunch" You whispered.

"I still think we should tell him about us, he is going to find out some time soon" He whispered.

"You really think thats a good idea baby" You sighed "Look I am 19 and you are 28, there is no way that he would be happy with us seeing each other and you will sure as hell lose your job and I don't wanna be the reason that happens"

"Okay we will tell him when you are ready, it's just hard the guys keep trying to set me up with girls and I am starting to run out of excuses" he laughed running his hands through your hair "I just want the world to know I am taken by the most beautiful girl in the world"


You grinned at everyone as you walked into the bullpen,  there wasn't the usual smiles which was weird they was all just staring at you, well your bare torso that was shown off by your cropped hoodie which finished just above the band of your sports bra. You also notice that Adam didn't look up because he knew this was it, you were both about to get killed even if no one knew you was together.

"Does Voight know you are seeing someone" Kevin said squeezing your shoulder.

"No, how do you know I'm seeing someone" You whispered.

"Urm I think it is obvious with the hickies littering your stomach" He whispered.

"Fuck I forgot about them" You mumbled looking over at Adam's desk shooting him an apologetic look.

"Do you want my hoodie?" Jay asked reaching to the back of his chair.

"No, I shouldn't be ashamed that I'm seeing someone one" You stated.

"Girl I don't think this is the right way your dad to find out, seeing his daughters stomach littered with signs she is no longer a little girl" Antonio said "I know I would hate finding out that way"

"Thats it just make me feel bad about the whole thing why don't you" You mumbled playing with the sleeve of your hoodie.

Adam wanted nothing more than to come and comfort you right now but he couldn't, it was one thing Hank finding out his daughter was growing up and seeing someone but to find it was someone 10 years older than her and one of his officers. Well that was a disaster waiting to happen.

"Right on time" Your dad smiled walking out of his office.

The room went deathly silent as Hank cast his gaze over to you, seeing the purpleish marks scattering your body.

"Oh my god" he sighed "Did someone hurt you?" He asked pulling you into his arms.

"No dad, no one has hurt me, do you think I would let them get the chance" You said hugging him back.

"Well you don't get marks like that just out of nowhere" He said as you rolled your sleeves up.

"I just went a bit too hard in the gym the other day dad" you lied "was in the ring and was working out so hard, I lost my footing and went flying"

You really hoped, he just left things as they were. You didn't need things kicking off between you and your dad right now because when things kicked off it wasn't pretty and everyone in the room knew it.

"Don't you lie to your old man, your are forgetting that you chew the inside of your mouth when you lie" Your dad huffed.

"Can we not do this here dad" You sighed.

"Why you obviously don't care flaunting your body" he said running his hand over his face, before he took a closer look at the marks "so tell me how you got these marks"

You just wanted the ground to swallow you up right now. Your dad wasn't stupid but he wanted to here the words come from your mouth.

"Hang on they aren't bruises" Dad realised "My office now young lady"

Hanging your head as you followed your dad into his office.

"Now tell me the fucking truth" He snapped.

"Fine they aren't bruises as such okay" You said raising your voice. "they are from my boyfriend"


"Dad I am not a little girl now, I am 19 years old for fucks sake, I can see who I want and I can do what I want" You spat "I'm not as innocent as you would like to think pops, you want to know how I actually got the marks"

At this point he was lent against his desk, but you couldn't read his emotions.

"I got them from my boyfriend, its not a big deal" You shouted.

"I don't want to hear any more" He sighed.

"No dad you wanted to talk about it so we are talking about it" You spat "I am seeing someone and have been for 6 months now, he treats me like a fucking princess, worships every part of me and yes we are sleeping together and you probably do not want to hear this but sometimes it gets a bit rough. But what does it matter if both parties are consenting"

"why didn't tell me you had a boyfriend?" He sighed.

"Because pops, I know you wouldn't approve seen as you never like anyone of my boyfriends I have had in the past and I sure hell know you aren't gonna be happy with who I'm seeing because he is like 10 years older than me" you said with your voice still raised.

The look on your dads face said it all. He wasn't happy.

"Do I get to meet this mystery guy that's 10 years older than my 19 year old daughter?" He asked as you walked out of his office "I need to make sure they are worthy enough"

"No dad you aren't meeting him anytime soon" you said perching on Antonio's desk as your phone buzzed and you couldn't help but smile at the screen.

-That was close 😂 you look amazing by the way 💕 come over after I have finished - Ruz xx-

"Now I've not seen you smile like that for a while" Tonio grinned nudging you. "As long as this dude makes you happy, I don't want to have to beat someone up"

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