Multitude of Sins - Jax Teller

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Jax Teller x Reader

He was the one everyone had warned you about, the one they told you to stay well clear of, the one they told you to be scared of. But you just couldn't help yourself as you watched him sat on his bike, cigarette between his lips and golden hair blowing gently in the slight breeze.

There was just something about how he held himself, the power that resonated from his skin. How his Kutte clung to him like a second skin, that god damn smirk of his and them piercing blue eyes. You just couldn't help yourself.

You came from a relatively normal family but you was defiantly the black sheep and the troublemaker, always going against your family's wishes. And they hated the fact you hug around with Samcro. Like absolutely despised it.

Pushing yourself off the wall, with a lit cigarette hanging between your lips you sauntered over to the lads.

"Thought daddy told you to stay away" Jax smirked roughly placing his hands on your hips

"Yeah well I don't listen to him" You winked taking a drag if your smoke "What can I say I just love the danger"

"Well then darlin' hop on" he winked "lets go cause some trouble"

There was a saying your Mom always told you "All good boys go to heaven" Little did she know the bad boy brought heaven to you and you loved it. Jax Teller was a multitude sins wrapped up in one packaged and you couldn't get enough of him. Swinging your leg over the back of his bike, you scooted closed to him pressing your chest against his back and arms planted around his waist.

"You ready my little devil" He smirked making you laugh at the nickname he had for you.

"Step on it Teller" You chuckled as he started his bike making it roar into life and within minutes you was speeding down the street with the wind blowing through your hair. This was your life and no one could ever take that away from you.


Sitting on the bar, feet on the stool in front of you, shot in one hand and a cigarette in the other you watched everyone laughing and joking whilst in your own little world, that was until Jax pushed your legs off the stood, spreading them slightly so he could stand in between them with that devilish grin on his face.

"I know that smirk Teller" You cocked your head "what do you want"

"Nothing, can't I just stand here devil" he shrugged.

"Nah there's always something with you" You smirked back at him "so spill"

"Okay so me and the guys was thinking, you spend literally all your time around here and you always help on runs so it's about time we made this shit official" He smirked waving his hand behind him and Chibbs placed something in his hand.

"Whatchu saying boy" You laughed hoping he was saying what you thought he was saying.

"Whatchu say to becoming an official member devil" He smirked holding up the very fresh Kutte "and you have to say yes because we've already got Devil embroidered on this"

"I'dja say it's about fucking time" You laughed taking the Kutte off him, running your fingers over the crispy white embroidery "Took y'all fucking long enough to decide"

Pushing Jax away slightly so you could jump down off the bar you allowed him to slip the Kutte on your shoulders.

"Just one thing you need to do now my little devil" Jax smirked picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder before smacking your arse and carrying you through the bar with all the guys cheering and whistling "we need to get you inked"

The feeling you felt right now was amazing, it was one thing for them to patch in a female but to patch in a female and skip being a prospect was something else. You always knew this was where you belonged and guess you had proved yourself over the years that you was a complete and utter bad ass or as Jax ever so kindly put it his little devil.

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