The One - Adam Ruzek

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Today was the day you finally became Adam's wife, the day you had both been waiting for.

"What if she's got cold feet, what if she realises she doesn't love me" Adam said pacing the hotel room "I can't have 4 failed engagements I just can't"

"Bro you need to calm your ass down before I punch you" Kevin laughed placing a hand on his shoulder "trust me Y/N is head over heels in love with you, you've been together what 4 years now and she still looks at you like you are her teenage crush. So calm down, take a breath and a shot"

"I told you not to let me drink" he sighed.

"Yeah but my man needs it right now" Kev laughed. "Tell you what how about I head over to Y/N's room just to make sure things are okay?"

"You'd do that?" Adam asked knocking the shot back.

"Of course best man duties" Kev nodded before heading out the room.

"Does anyone know what's happening today" Kevin smirked walking into your hotel room.

"Dude what are you doing here" you laughed.

"I've got to come have a shot with my favourite detective on her wedding day" he chuckled holding a bottle of whiskey. "Don't Tell Ruz I said you was my favourite"

"Speaking of my rebel without a cause how's he doing?" You asked as the make up artist finished off your makeup.

"I'm about 5 minutes away from punching him in the face to shut him up" he shrugged. "I swear he is gonna wear a hole in that floor"

"Well thank you for not punching him" you chuckled as Kevin poured a glass of whiskey "gimme that bottle" you said taking the bottle off Kevin and necking the amber liquid from the bottle.

"This is why you will always be my home girl, stood here in your wedding dress looking absolutely stunning chugging whiskey outta bottle" he smirked giving you a fist bump. "Don't change, I still need my drinking buddy"

"Don't plan on changing only plan on changing the last name" you winked.

"You need to go" Hailey scolded Kevin "now"

"I'm going I'm going" he chuckled walked out the room.

Once Kevin had gone everyone gathered round you as Hank poured a little something in everyone's cup.

"I just want to say a few words before we head out" he smiled.

"Don't you dare make me cry" you laughed pointing at him.

"No promises kiddo" he smirked "I just want to say it's an honour you asked me to give you away today, you are one hell of a detective and I know you are going to make one hell of a wife and I think this goes without saying you deserve a medal for finally getting Ruzek to calm down. Now let's get this show on the road"

"How is she?" Adam pretty much pounced on Kevin as he walked through the door.

"She is fine Ruz, she's nearly ready and she looks amazing" he nodded "so stop worrying"

"What doesn't look amazing is that tie bro" Antonio laughed walking over to Adam to fix the tie.

"Now let's go get our boy married" Kevin grinned.


Adam couldn't help but smile as Started playing. You had both decided you didn't want traditional.

"Bro" Kev said nudging him to turn around.

As soon as Adam laid eyes on you that was it the tears started. He didn't think you could look more beautiful than you normally do but here you was proving him wrong yet again, because right now you looked like an angel in his eyes.

As you got closer you could see Adam's cheeks glisten from the tears.

Hank kisses your cheek before he shook Adam's hand.

"You look radiant baby" Adam whispered in your ear.

"Don't look too bad yourself" you winked "have you been crying" you giggled as you gently dried his cheek with your finger.

"So we are here today to celebrate the love of Adam ruzek and Y/N Y/L/N. They have both written their own vows" the vicar smiled. "Adam"

"Y/N the first time I met you, you put me straight in my place, busted my balls right there on the spot." He chuckled "I knew right then you were the one for me, the only one that would be able to handle the craziness because let's face it baby you are just as bad as I am. You have always had my back, in and out of work even when things wasn't easy you stood by my side. You have literally saved my life multiple times and even took a bullet for me. So I vow today to always love and protect you no matter what" Adam said squeezing your hands as you both had tears in your eyes.

"Adam I'm not going to lie the first time I met you, you got on my every last nerve and honestly thought you was a cocky little shit well I do still think that" you laughed "but you are my cocky little shit but I wouldn't change anything about you because you are my rebel without a cause. Yes we have had our hardships and arguments that have cause the team to get well out of our way because let's face it we both have a temper. But at the end of the day you are my rock and are my world and will always will be, no matter what we face in this life I know we will be fine because we will face it together. So I vow today to always love and protect you no matter what." You said through tears.

"Adam do you take Y/N to be your wife, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him/her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him/her forevermore?"

"I do" Adam beamed sliding the ring on your finger.

"Y/N do you take Adam to be your husband, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him/her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him/her forevermore?"

"I do" you grinned as you slide the ring on Adam's finger.

"Well I am honoured to pronounce you husband and wife, Adam you may now kiss your bride"

"Finally" Adam shouted holding his hands in the air causing everyone in the venue to burst out laughing and you just to roll your eyes at your idiot of a husband, before he moved closer to you placing on hand on your cheek whispering against your lips "Come 'ere Mrs Ruzek"

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