Crossed Lines III - Antonio Dawson

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Antonio Dawson x Reader

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Antonio Dawson x Reader

"Dawson how she doing?" Hank asked.

"She seems stable at the moment but I know you told me to take time off but I was driving myself crazy" he sighed "so Ruzek is with her and he will call if anything happens"

"Keep us updated" Hank nodded before walking of.

As Adam watched, waited and prayed for you to wake up, he couldn't help but think of all the memories you two had over the years. He now understood why Antonio wanted to go back to work, he had only been by your side since this morning and the memories was getting emotional. It was hard you two had been friends since you was 5 years old, been through everything together, knew everything about each other from the good, the bad and the ugly. You both had each other's backs in and out of work, you was the best partner he had ever had, apart from Al but no one could ever compare to him. You knew things about each other that you would kill if everyone knew.

"Come on (Y/N), you gotta wake up girl. I've only been sat here alone for an hour and you've turned me to mush. Me, Adam Ruzek turned to mush can you believe it. I know you are just being a stubborn bitch but put us and especially Tonio out of our misery" He whispered squeezing your hand. "Please"

"Did you just call me a bitch" you whispered horsly.

Instantly his head shot up flashing you a goofy smile.

"Yeah I did whatchu gonna do about it" he chuckled "welcome back to the land of the living but you are still the worlds biggest idiot"

"I know" you sighed as Adam held the glass of water in front of you.

"Why didn't you just call me and get me to pick you up then non of this wouldn't have happened" he said softly.

"Like you said I'm the worlds biggest idiot and I guess Tonio doesn't care seen as it's my best friend sat waiting for me to wake up and not my boyfriend" you sighed.

"Think again he hasn't left your bedside until I pretty much kicked him out, I'm meant to call him if anything changes" Adam said reaching for his phone.

"Don't call him, I've got an idea, one which I need my best friend for" you smirked.

"Tell me why I don't like the sound of this" he asked.

"Shut up and get will" you smiled.

It had just turned noon and no matter what Antonio did, you was all he could think about. Every last memory. Sighing to him self as he pulled out the ring box he was keeping in the desk draw, running his fingers over it. The day things kicked off was the day he was going to ask you to be his wife.

He had it all planned out.

"No news is good news right?" He asked no one in particular.

"I swear to god woman if you don't get your ass in this wheel chair I'm gonna kill you myself" Adam huffed opening the door on the truck.

"Nope not using that thing" you stated crossing your arms and pouting.

"Fine get on my back" Adam sighed in defeat "and I stand by my comment about you being a stubborn bitch" causing him to receive a smack round the head.

"Shut up and carry me" you smirked knowing you had won.

"Fine but if I die of my exhaustion it's all on you" he joked as you reached the gate.

"Urgh this should be fun" Adam said with sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Quit whining would ya" you laughed.

Antonio could have sworn he heard your laugh, shaking his head he put it down to him going crazy. There's no way you'd be here.

As you reached the top of the stairs, you saw the look on Antonio's face and it broke your heart.

"Okay, as soon as you are better we are getting your ass in the gym" Adam panted causing you to smack him round the head again.

As Adam gently placed you on your feet, you noticed Antonio still hadn't looked up. You slowly hobbled over to his desk trying not to wince from the pain.

"Mi amor" you whispered causing Antonio's head to shoot up.

You watched as he did a double take, making sure he wasn't seeing things and you was actually stood in front of him.

"Mi Reina, you shouldn't be standing" he whispered placing his hand on your back guiding you to his chair. "You shouldn't even be here"

"I needed to see you. I needed to tell you I was sorry" you whispered burying your head into his chest taking in his scent.

"I thought I'd lost you for good" he sobbed into your hair. "Never do that to me again"

This was what you needed, all the Medicine in the world couldn't top this. You felt Antonio pull away from the hug, placing his hand on your cheek.

"You are an idiot do you know that, driving when you was in that state" he whispered.

"Yeah so I've been told" you laughed softly.

Even though he had the proposal all planned out right now seemed like the perfect time. Reaching over to grab the ring box he smiled at you deciding to keep this simple.

"Marry me?" He whispered looking deeply into your eyes.

You had to think for a second to make sure you was dreaming and that he actually just popped the question.

"I'd be stupid not to" you grinned "yes I will marry you"

Within seconds his lips was on yours kissing you softly. The whole team cheering and whistling and then there was Adam who was staring at you as you pulled away from the kiss.

"Dibs on maid of honour" he said with the dorkiest grin on his face making everyone burst out laughing.

"Come on let's get you back to med" he smiled picking you up bridal style, you couldn't help yourself as you snuggled into his chest as he carried you with ease to his car. "I love you" he whispered over and over into your hair.

"I love you too Tonio"

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