Day off - kevin atwater

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You couldn't help but bite down on your lip as you watched Kevin work his magic over the bbq.

It was a rare day off for you all, yet you was all hauled up in your backyard with the music blasting and drinks flowing.

"I swear to god if it gets any hotter I'm gonna be wandering round her naked" you breathed as you held the ice block against your neck.

"No complaints over here" Kevin chuckled causing you to glare at him.

"In your dreams Atwater" you winked "how long to food is ready I'm starving and kinda need something to soak this whiskey up"

"I still don't know you are still standing" Adam smirked taking the bottle off you "you've drunk half a bottle"

"Not everyone is a lightweight like you Ruz" you laughed.

It was like the hottest day ever in Chicago which meant all the guys was wandering round in shorts and you girls was rocking the bikini tops and shorts. However you noticed the sly looks Kevin kept throwing your way.

"Food is ready" Kevin smirked placing a plate of burgers on the table, he hadn't even took his hand away when you all dived in grabbing the food. "I work with fucking animals" he chuckled taking a burger before flopping down on the chair.

"I'm so glad Voight isn't making us to work today" Kim laughed.

"I agree it's just too fucking hot" jay moaned.

"But at least we have the best company, food, drinks and making memories" you smiled raising your glass in the air.

The day soon passed with plenty of alcohol being consumed. This was the reason you was taking cover behind the bins, you don't even know who started the water fight but here you was, it was like everyone had decided you was the one who they was after. Little did they know you had access to the hose.

"Guys let's call a truce" you shouted holding a hand over the bin "you win I'm completely soaked"

"Fine" you heard them shouted.

Jumping up with the hose in hand you pointed it at them before turning it on full blast soaking them all.

"Hahaha fucking suckers like I'd call truce" you burst out laughing.

"Get her" Kevin shouted charging at you.

Soon enough his arms were wrapped around your bare skin pulling you close to him.

"That was a dirty trick Y/L/N" he whispered in your ear making you shiver.

"You guys wasn't playing fair" you huffed as he spun you around so you was facing him, his fingers grazing against your skin driving you crazy.

"I really want to kiss you right now" you said not realising what words just came out your mouth. But it was too late to take it back.

You watched as the corners of Kevin's mouth twitched into a smile.

"Do it then" he said lowly.

Wrapping your arms round his neck whilst standing on your tip toes as your lips connected. The sparks between you two was immense.

"God dammit, why do you have this affect on me" you mumbled against his lips resting your forehead against his.

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