Hungover II - Adam Ruzek

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"So you know I'm a cop, what do you do?" Adam asked as you both nursed your coffee after devouring a full English.

"Well I've been out of work for about 6 months so took up a dancer gig" you laughed "working 4 nights a week pays really good money"

"What did you do before?" He asked

"I worked in an office" you said resting your hands on your fists "got laid off because I put in a complaint about my boss. Proper sleeze ball and some how I get fired"

"That's ridiculous" Adam scoffed.

"Tell me about it, and because of it every job I applied for turn me down because my old place gives me a bad reference" you sighed.

"Can they do that legally?"

"Nope but doesn't stop them" you shrugged "But I enjoy dancing funnily enough, gives me a much needed confidence boost"

"Why though, I'm not trying to be too forward here but you are stunning" Adam smiled.

"It's hard, just turned 30 already divorced and the ex husband left me for a 22 year old. So as you can imagine my self confidence just plummeted, been on the dating scene for about a year and a half and every guy I meet are dogs" you mumbled "but I mean what about you Adam, you are a very good looking guy yet still single"

"I've actually been engaged 3 times" he laughed "non of them engagements worked out and work can get crazy with cases so decided it would be best to stay single and just have some fun"

"I hear you on that one" you laughed.

"So I have an unexpected day off, so what's your plans for today?" Adam smiled.

"Well I was gonna head home and sleep this mammoth hangover over but seen as you decided to drag me here I have no idea" you shrugged leaning back in the chair.

"Wanna shift the hangover together?" He smirked raising his eyebrow at you.

"Yeah let's roll, mine place is only down the block, which you already know" you laughed "we can watch shitty daytime tv" you laughed grabbing your phone off the table.


"So I noticed you have a few pictures of a little girl, she your daughter?" Adam asked as I passed him a coffee.

"Another thing my ex didn't like" I sighed "so you met my best friend last night, Niall well him and his husband wanted children and instead of adopting they wanted me to be a surrogate. So I did, Lexi has just turned 6"

"From what you have said so far about your ex I just want to go beat the shit out of him, never let anyone tell you that what you did wasn't amazing because it was" Adam said placing his hand on my shoulder.

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