My Rock - Kevin Atwater

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Kevin Atwater x Reader

Wandering the grocery store aimlessly throwing things in the cart, your mind drifted to Kevin, how was is? What was he doing? Did he even miss you? These were daily thoughts of yours, you knew why things had to end, heck you even understood he was doing it to keep you safe but no matter what you did or try to do you just couldn't get over him.

You missed everything about him and just wanted to reach out but your pride stood in the way of that. You was soon pulled out of your thoughts when you crashed your cart into someone else's. Not looking up from embarrassment the other person spoke.

"Urm yeah Ruz lemme call you back" that familiar voice rang in your ears making you finally look up.

"Shit I am sorry" you mumbled

"Y/N it's okay, you know me can't do two things at once" he half laughed rubbing the back of his neck. "How you doing"

The small talk was killing you.

"Im good, better than the old me actually" you laughed awkwardly trying to cover the lie "but I'm not even close without you" you mumbled under your breath hoping he would hear but just your luck he did and was staring at you with worry in his eyes.

"Can we go for coffee? For old times sake?" He asked

"Yeah why not" you mumbled playing with the sleeves of your hoodie "let me just finish up here and will meet you out front"

And with than you scurried off round the corner stopping to compose yourself. What the hell was you suppose to say 'oh yeah I'm fine it's not like you didn't break my heart' to the person who was the love of your life.


Well this was awkward, neither of you knew what to say, so you just sat there staring into your coffee. After about 15 minutes you broke that silence.

"This is stupid, we are both adults but can't seem to be man enough to talk" you half laughed "I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I said I'm better than the old me but i dont know how to exist in a world without you Kevin"

This statement from you caused him to look up placing his hand over yours.

"You know why I had to do it" he sighed.

"I do and I kinda understand but it just sucks" you sighed.

"Tell me about it, I just don't want to put you through the heartache with all the shit going down with Doyle's family" he mumbled.

"Kinda backfired because it broke my heart when you decided to end things" you said looking into his eyes.

"I know it broke mine to but I thought it was the right play but every god damn day for the past 6 months I have questioned my decision" he sighed "honestly you have been my rock over the last couple of years but I'm starting to crumble Y/N but I was being too much of a man to pick up that bloody phone and call you"

"What do we do?" You laughed sipping your coffee.

"I have no idea but how about we start with you coming round tonight. I will cook and we can watch a movie" he whispered scared you would say no. "And we can talk things through more private"

"Sounds good to me" you nodded trying not to grin like a teenage girl. "I will come round at 6"

And with that you finished your coffee, said bye to Kevin and headed home with a massive grin on your face. It might only be something as small as dinner and talking but it was a step in the right direction.

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