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[From author point of view]

"ji,ji"suddenly jaeii start moving right and left.she sweat a lot make jaehyun worried.she hasn't woke up yet and it's night now. "omy-fire!"jaehyun feel her temperature and her temper is too hot. "i will go and buy you medicine."jaehyun said and cover jaeii with blanket and decide to leave but jaeii holds his hands and "don't-don't go."jaeii mumbles quietly.jaehyun looks at her padding her head.he gets on the bed and sit looking at her.she moves her sled closer to him and hug his waist.jaehyun just let her be.he just look at her and smile alone.


jaehyun is sleeping when he heard jaeii is mumbling.
"help ji..."she keeps mumbles and her temperature is hotter and hotter.jaehyun only has one solution.he moves closer to her and give her a hug. "better soon and come to scold me again...saying mean word to me again ji" jaehyun mumbles and kiss her forehead.

#new day

jaehyun slowly open his eyes but he didn't see jaeii next to him.he looks around seeing jaeii is standing out side looking at the sky.he smiles before approaching her. "jung jaehyun!"but turn out jaeii scared him to death.she shouts his name before he could give her a hug. "how dare you?"jaeii shout and she wanna hit his head but she couldn't reach his forehead so she runs inside the house to take a chair and step on it hit jaehyun's head. "ayeee-how can you hug me a whole night!"jaeii keep exclaiming and give jaehyun a dead glare.he doesn't care so she left him alone and go to the hotel. "aww-ji!wait for me!"
jaehyun said and hurry wash up before following jaeii to meet their friends.

"helen?"taeyong who is walking on the beach seeing helen is stretching her self 1meter away from him.
after seeing taeyong she wanna leave but taeyong catch her. "wait..."taeyong holds her hand and stop her from avoiding him. "why are you here?"taeyong ask looking at helen. "Anni told me to be here!why? any thing else?if not...excuse me."helen said and turn back but end up bump in to someone make her fall to the sand.taeyong kneels down and check on her.the one who bump in to her didn't even say sorry and walk away which make taeyong keeps staring at him. "be careful or else your eyes will drop."helen said after seeing taeyong stares at the man for too long. "help me up!"helen said which make taeyong chuckles.she asks him for help. "is your ankle hurt?"
taeyong asks and kneel down again to check her ankle and it's red. "yah!put me down!"taeyong ends up carrying her and she refuses his offer. "stay still or imma kiss you."taeyong said and helen give him a worse glare ever.

"where is your room?"taeyong asks while walking in to the hotel.helen ignores him and look away not answering his question. "1,2..."taeyong start counting hearing taeyong counting helen rushes and tell him her room number.taeyong laughs and carry her to her room. "card."taeyong said and she hands him her card and he scans it to get in to the room.
"stay still."after placing helen on the sofa taeyong grabs a medicine box and start bandaging her wound but she keeps refusing. taeyong gives her a warn eyes and she finally stay still. taeyong sit down and start bandage her ankle gently.

"jay!"jaeii who is picking some foods start shouting seeing jaehyun eats her foods on the other plate that she keeps on the table. "yah!it's mine."she runs to their desk and said.jaehyun doesn't know anything he just swallow the foods and look at her without saying anything. "i_"he wanna say something but she ends up feeding his a glass of water make him chock. "don't move stay there!"jaeii said and move her plates to the other table beside her first table which make jaehyun laughs. "how about me?"jaehyun asks looking at her.jaeii shakes her head and start eating her foods jaehyun just stare at her. suddenly a loud voice that come behind them some people are fighting.jaehyun stops focus on jaehyun also stop smiling he backs to his serious mood.he stares at fight.suddenly a boy who is fighting hold the plate and throw toward the other boy direction but the other boy sit down and the plate going to jaeii's direction.jaehyun quickly cover jaeii and he got hit by the plate. "my-"jaeii turn back seeing jaehyun is bleeding.she quickly swallow her foods and look at his wound. "hyung!"jaehyun spots doyoung is coming so he calls him. "follow him!the one with black shirt!"jaehyun shouts and run after the man with black shirt. Seeing like this doyoung also follow him with jaehyun. "yah!pig head be careful!" jaeii shouts

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