Chapter 6-Love Does Not Delight in Evil But Rejoices in the Truth

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**Uzui's POV**

"W-wait?! Y-You've talked to them?!"

I nodded my head and crossed my arms. "Well, I've done more than just talk to them," I replied calmly leaning against a nearby tree.

I looked over at the girls who stood before me. The girl who had spoken had shoulder-length black hair with short bangs that covered her forehead. Over her body, she wore a similarly short, black sleeveless dress. Small, white, intricate designs lined the edges. I looked into her face which was taut with nervousness. And her eyes remained constantly large and quite round. It was almost as though she wanted me to tell her I was lying. Even still, interactions like this were relatively normal. Annoying at times, but normal. I had known this girl for a little while. She is one of my brides to be actually; Suma was her name.

All three of my brides to be were here actually. They each watched me with a tentative gaze.

"That doesn't make much sense at all Tengen-sama!" Makio complained, "H-haven't you heard what people say about them?"

I rose a curious eyebrow at the three of them.

"What are you talking about?" The thought of Mizuki thrust to the front of my mind, and I stood up no longer resting on the tree, "They seem fine. Pretty normal if you ask me."

The three of them looked at each other with their brows furrowed in concern. Then they turned back to face me.

"Well, stories say that those kids come from a cursed family."

My arms dropped, and I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud.


"So?!" Suma cried, "Those kids are cursed! Who knows what's been brought upon our clan since they've been here?! I-I'm not saying that they're bad or anything. B-but their family history is extremely questionable!"

"What do you mean by cursed?"

"W-well, Th-they say that they come from a line of swordsmen that have some special demonic ability or something. And anyone who comes in close contact with or is near anyone from this family will die."

I rose a skeptical eyebrow at Suma and crossed my arms again. "And you all believe this?" They all nodded in reply, and I sighed.

"I've been around them, and they've lived in my father's house for nearly 8 years already. If all that were true, shouldn't I be dead by now?"

"Not exactly..." Suma balled her fists and held them up close to her chest, "But that's why we got to enjoy ourselves before our time is up!"

Makio punched the girl in her arm, "You idiot!!" she scolded, but I could tell there was a nervousness to her tone, "Do you even think before you speak?!"

I deadpanned and leaned back against the tree, "This is ridiculous."

"You're completely right Tengen-sama, it is ridiculous! We barely got to live our lives! We're too young to die!"

"Would you shut up already!! Let Tengen-sama say what he thinks about what we've said!"

I stared at the girls in disbelief. You've got to be kidding me. I haven't even married these girls yet, and I can already tell what it's going to be like.

Either way, I put that thought aside and seriously took a moment to think about what they've said. I also thought about Mizuki and her siblings. For the first time, it crossed my mind that she had never said anything about a generational curse to me. I remember hearing my father say it to Tengan-sama that one time, but never again after that. It's not like I would no longer trust Mizuki or her family. I'd just have to find out for myself. But it's not like I'd completely disregard my future wives' warnings either. I'd have to watch her more closely now.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя