Chapter 32 - Love is... [Pt. 2]

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A/N - Sorry I took so long! Please read the A/N at the end in its entirety there are a few small announcements and questions and I hope you enjoy this update! It's really long so I hope it makes up for all the lost time! T-T

The two had arrived at the butterfly mansion far faster than anticipated. Perhaps Mizuki was so lost in her thoughts about the day's events that she hadn't even noticed that they had walked that far and so quickly. As they stood before the large wooden doors of the butterfly mansion's gates Mizuki stared at the ring on her hand one last time.

She wanted to tell her brothers about it. She wanted to tell everyone that she had gotten engaged to Tengen, and of course, knowing her husband-to-be, he would have wanted the exact same thing. Perhaps he'd do it on a much grander scale than Mizuki would with some kind of celebratory party or something, but he'd want to share that news with Kagaya and his fellow hashira just like Mizuki would. She had a general idea of how she would tell Kaida about it. That was mostly why she invited her to the double date with her and Tengen tonight. Luckily if she agreed to go Mizuki would get the chance to spend that meaningful moment with her sister.

While that part was pretty much taken care of, she still hadn't fully thought out how she was going to tell her brothers. Kagaya and the hashira were easy to deal with for the most part. She could ask to have a private meeting with the master and would thus be able to tell him then, while the hashira she could either send the message by a crow or make an effort to visit all the hashira to tell them herself or at least the ones she was comfortable telling. If she had missed anyone, i.e. Obanai or Sanemi, she was certain that Tengen would probably tell them anyways.

Now, besides Yuu and Ryuichi, all that was left was to tell Tengan-sensei. She hadn't seen the former demon slayer and long-time family friend of her father in such a long time. She always thought about him and desperately wanted to visit him again one day. Especially so she could tell him about her engagement. Given how supportive he is she knew how thrilled he'd be to hear that one of the kids he had worked so hard to watch over, protect, and raise would be getting married. Although she shouldn't be worried, as a former hashira and shinobi the man was fully capable of taking care of himself, she knew that he was a man who enjoyed the company of others, much like Uzui did. So she worried about having been away for so long. Not to mention, she missed him terribly.

Mizuki sighed, she hoped that he was doing okay. Maybe she would get the chance to go see him. Given that she wouldn't be taking any missions for a little while, maybe she would get the chance to go. She would bring Uzui, her brothers, and Kaida with her as well. The ex-shinobi had meant a lot to all of them. So, regardless of what Ryuichi might say, she was certain that they'd all want to come along just to see him even if for a little while. Mizuki wanted so badly to share all the things that she had done after she and her siblings were taken to demon slayer HQ. She wanted to tell him about the master and all the hashira. What kind of people they're like, and all the kinds of missions she went on. She'd tell him about Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko and all the other demon slayers she's met while she was away.

Oh, Tengan-sensei would just love to hear those stories from her and her siblings. His face would just light up in that signature sunny smile of his, the small wrinkles crinkling around his golden eyes that would sparkle with interest as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand nodding earnestly as he laughed and listened, hanging onto every word that would leave her lips as though it were the best and the last story that he would ever hear. And when she was done he'd ask questions, so many questions. He'd congratulate them on what they've accomplished, and push them to keep working hard with the promise of always returning home to tell him whatever new stories they've collected while they were gone. And of course, he'd say it all, speaking with that adorable southern twang of his.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now