Chapter 16 - Love is Kind [Part 1]

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"What?! what is it?!" I panicked after being jerked from my sleep. When I received no answer I turned my head and froze when I was crushed into a hug.

"Oh my Gosh! I was so worried about you last night! I'm so glad to see you're okay this morning!" I frowned at the kakushi girl and pulled her from me so I could get her to make coherent sentences.

"Hanae-san, what are you talking about? You're not making any sense." The Kakashi sighed, released me from the hug, and stood by my bedside.

"Two other Kakushi and I came in to check on you last night. It was requested by Kagaya-sama. We also needed to give you a few things. But when we got here you were nowhere to be found. We searched everywhere in the building for you. I thought you had gotten kidnapped or something."

I blinked my eyes in confusion. I hadn't thought about what might result from me leaving in the middle of the night to take a walk. In all honestly, I had nearly forgotten about my reunion with the sound hashira until Hanae recounted her end of the night's events. And it was only now that I had even remembered enough of what happened to make sense of Hanae's claims. Once all of the details came rushing back, I began to feel weak enough to fall back into a deep slumber and forget it all over again. It was only my fear of dreaming about the events that kept me awake.

However, my fear of dreaming about it did not come from hatred towards Uzui, as for whatever reason, I found it very impossible to feel that way towards the man. Nor did it come from a fear of him or what he had clearly been planning to do. Of course, the idea of marrying a man who was already married was terrifying. But I had already reserved anger and upset for that, as I could never understand why he made such a goal of it. But, it was more or less my inability to handle reliving last night's events that scared me into staying awake. I feared that if I thought about it too hard I'd lose my ability to function properly. The memory was just that debilitating. I was shocked I even made it through the night so I can make it back to my bed without passing out from how wildly overwhelming it all had been.

I sighed, "I'm sorry for causing such trouble. I couldn't sleep."

"What happened?"

I sighed again and ran my hand through my hair, "It's a long story."

For a moment, Hanae was silent. Then, she spoke again, "Well, I'll leave you to rest then, but I will tell you that the Hashira won't be so kind should you come late to their training."

I winced remembering that Tengen had told me a similar thing and only nodded my reply.

"Oh, and one more thing," Hanae called.

I turned to look at the girl wearily, "What is it?"

"You're going to be moved to the butterfly mansion with the Hashira, Shinobu-san today. I can help you with packing if you need it."

I merely nodded again, "Thanks Hanae, I'd appreciate that."

Soon enough the Kakushi girl bowed then turned swiftly on her heel to leave. I sighed once I was alone.

"Packing for the butterfly mansion huh..." my eyes scanned the room and settled on my bags on the floor. I groaned, "How fun..."

Once I had gotten enough energy to drag myself out of bed, I quickly made work of all my weapons and necessities for the move. The movement and activity woke me up enough, and I gradually got back to my regular self. Soon enough I had a perfectly organized bag ready to go.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant