Chapter 27- Love is Kind [Part 1]

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Please read both this part (part one) and then you can proceed to part 2. ^-^ Also, since everyone seemed to love playing "guess which hashira is speaking," like in chapter 13, I added another segment here at the beginning of this chapter with dialogue without dialogue tags for you to try and guess which hashira is talking at the moment. Anyways, Even though this chapter part is a bit short, I didn't know any other way to cut the chapters to make it shorter instead of one big chapter, so read on and enjoy!


"What's taking them so fucking long...?"

One of the hashira frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't know. Usually, the Saito siblings are very punctual as is Shinobu-san."

"M-maybe they're not coming?"

"Why wouldn't they bring their dumb asses?"

"Yeah, Kagaya told them to be here. So they have to come," another hashira hissed. "And they've got some nerve if they don't."

Kaida sighed as she listened to the hashira talking about her siblings. It was almost as though she wasn't there listening to them talking. She wondered if they even realized that she was there. It wouldn't be too much of a surprise if they didn't. She was very quiet and it wasn't like she was telling the hashira to stop bad-mouthing her siblings, nor did she have the courage to do so.

However, while it did bother Kaida that they would speak so harshly about her only remaining family members, she knew that they didn't really hate her and her siblings. In reality, once the hashira had gotten over their initial shock and concern when it came to the Saito family and what they could do, the hashira came to approve of them and greatly looked forward to their advancement in the corp. And while some of them did like to tease and talk badly about the siblings from time to time, namely Obanai and Sanemi, for the most part, they had no real issue with them. They were truly a very strong, respectful, and inspiring group, worthy of respect in their own right. The hashira truly had liked them a lot. And if they were being honest with themselves, they would each try to make at least one of the siblings their tsugoku, giving them the proper training to be the next hashira in their place.

Now, Kaida had heard the rumors among the other demon slayers as well as the kakushi, and she was often teased that Kyojuro would be making her, his tsugoku. She's also heard that Sanemi was looking to train Ryuichi and unsurprisingly, Muichiro, Mitsuri, and even Gyomei wished to train with Yuu. And of course, many people have speculated that Mizuki would be replacing the flamboyant sound hashira Tengen Uzui. However, she denied all of it.

Even still, Kaida was proven wrong about how much the hashira had been paying attention to her when she heard someone call her name.


Said demon slayer quickly turned around to face the flame pillar. His golden eyes were alight with life as always and she almost couldn't keep his gaze long enough to answer. It didn't help that the flame pillar had also chosen this moment to call Kaida by her first name rather than Saito-chan or something similar.

"Y-yes, Rengoku-san?"

Kyojuro dropped his arms from their crossed position over his chest and he placed them instead on his hips. He shifted his weight from his right foot to his left and furrowed his brows in thought.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now