Chapter 28- Love is...

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The moment everyone heard those words, everyone fell to their knees and bowed their heads. No one dared to disrespect Kagaya. Just based on the sheer fact of all that he had done for each person in the room alone, was enough to give him the respect he deserved. And although Sanemi was paralyzed for the moment and rendered completely incapable of moving even his pinky finger, even he wouldn't want to disrespect the master.

Tanjiro, being as clueless and confused as he was, looked around at everyone in confusion. So of course, with no further explanation, Ryuichi placed his hand on top of the boy's head and pushed him down to kneel along with everyone else.

It wasn't long into the meeting before each hashira felt the need to voice their strong dislike for whatever the master was saying about Tanjiro and Nezuko. The only hashira who hadn't said anything was Rengoku and of course Tengen, whom I had talked to numerous times about what I thought on this topic. Reluctantly he agreed to shut his mouth for the most part and didn't argue much when Kagaya said that Tanjiro and his sister were to be treated like demon slayers.

Of course, this only happened, with Nezuko's official acceptance into the ranks, as a result of Sanemi overstepping a few boundaries just to prove a point. After having successfully regained all the feeling in his arms and legs, he got up and, after claiming to apologize for his overstep, proceeded with a second attempt at pissing off Tanjiro's sister to prove that she was indeed incapable of fighting on our side. Ryuichi offered to knock Sanemi unconscious again but was stopped by the master who actually gave Sanemi the greenlight to continue. I was shocked by the master's decision and only was able to rely on hope and the words of my brothers to make me sure of the fact that Nezuko wouldn't fight back.

In a matter of seconds, Sanemi pierced the box with Nezuko in it once more Then, without even so much as a flinch, he cut his arm with his own blade and allowed his blood to drip down onto the box and into the hole. After a few tense moments, Nezuko finally appeared out of the box, furious and drooling from the inescapable urge for human flesh. I watched the moment go on for a few more minutes and soon enough, to everyone's surprise, Nezuko turned her face away from Sanemi in disgust.

Usually, Yuu and Gyomei had a way of feeling out and sensing what people were doing through their other senses, however, in this instance they couldn't. Therefore, Yuu and Kagaya, neither of which could see what had just transpired, furrowed their brows and said,

"What just happened?"

"Sanemi-san urged Nezuko to show her true nature and attack him by using his own blood as bate," I explained. "However, even after stabbing her three times and flaunting his bloody arm in her face, she turned her head away, restrained herself, and did not bite him."

Kagaya nodded, "If that is the case, then it has been proven that Nezuko won't attack humans."

Now, while I could tell from the look on Yuu's face that he was glad for Tanjiro and his sister, he had tried his best to hide it. Ryu had the smuggest look on his face I'd ever seen and Kaida seemed like a whole weight was lifted off her shoulders. Not that I didn't understand. Of course, Nezuko wasn't my sister and I barely knew a thing about her, but I knew enough to believe that she shouldn't be treated any differently than anyone else in the room. I also wouldn't doubt that having disagreements with Kyojuro about the topic of Tanjiro and Nezuko was putting a strain on their developing relationship. So seeing this occur today must have eased some of the tension. I only thought that much because I hoped the same would be between Tengen and me.

Speaking of Tengen, the look on his face--much like Sanemi--was absolutely priceless when Nezuko turned her face away. I managed to catch his attention for a brief moment, and I had to bite my tongue to resist the urge to laugh. For a few seconds, the disbelief faded from Tengen's features and was replaced with a look of annoyance. Almost as though he was waiting for me to say "I told you so." Which in all honesty, he wouldn't be wrong.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now