Announcement: My One-Shot Book?!

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I knooooow it's another horrible. But it's an important one! For anyone who is interested in reading my book of one-shots, I started it and it's up on my profile already. The JJK: Gojo Satoru One-shot is one of the first I've posted. Please do read the For Starters chapter though, you can also offer suggestions for fanfics/one-shots there if you'd like me to write based on what is written in the for starters chapter. Anyways, please continue to be patient with me on this fanfic! I will probably separate chapter 32 of Love is into 2 parts as I've said in my announcements since it's just way too much for one chapter. Anyways that's the link below! You can also access it on my Message Board. I'll probably unpublish this announcement here after a while but I wanted to let you guys know about this in case you wanted to read anything else from me while you wait for chapter 32. See ya!

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now