[Preview] Yuu Saito x Reader - Prologue + Chpt 1

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This Fanfic is a Demon Slayer OC x Reader fanfic! If you've read my Love Is fanfic for Tengen Uzui you would be familiar with Yuu Saito, one of the older twin brothers of Mizuki Saito. And that is who this fanfic is about! It will be fairly consistent with the "canon" of my plot in my Love Is series, after all, it is a Love Is book ;) Enjoy!


Ethereal...that was the best word that came to mind when you first met him. And even that wasn't enough to describe him. It just wasn't quite the right word...

How could you describe someone so powerful, and yet so gentle...Steadfast and beautiful...and yet so broken. You had no idea...and to be honest, you weren't even going to begin to try.

You remembered what it was like to see him for the first time. What it was like to be in his arms, and the sound of his voice when he spoke. There was a distinct level of reassurance that it all gave you. That he gave you. A level of comfort and security. You didn't worry about what happened to you or what was going on at the time. Didn't taste the irony taste of blood on your lips nor felt the searing pain that burned throughout your body from the temple of your head to the side of your chest. Because he was there. And even though you had only just met the man. He had instantly made you feel safe. You trusted him. You admired him. You were in awe of him.

You still were. Even now. The only difference was that you were much much closer now than when you first met.

But how exactly did you end up at this point? Here with him at this moment? In his arms once again. Chest pressed firmly against his own. It was no different from the first time really. The proximity to be exact. The real difference between then and now was something only you could articulate. And even at this moment if you had to, for the life of you couldn't describe what was happening to you. He has touched you before. Held you in his arms. He had to in order to save you like he has countless times already. But the way he touched you now was unlike anything you had ever felt.

It was curious and loving. Gentle and passionate. And you needed it. He used his hands, his sense of touch more than anything. And he was using it on you now. Exploring your body in ways he could never see with his eyes. His fingers roamed your body carefully feeling every dip and curve of the raised patches of your torn skin that had been stitched together. He was learning you...He was studying you...And he was studying you more intently than any other landscape or structure you had ever seen on your travels with him. He would press his hands, fingertips first against the wall, and follow its path to his destination just to map out his surroundings. Now he was mapping out your body. And as you clung to him as though he were the source of the very air you needed to breathe, you wondered what image in his mind he had of you.

You felt the black silken strands of his hair tickling your face now, and your brain fogged at the sweet scent of him. He had always smelled different every time you saw him. Today it was vanilla. The feeling of his hand, strong yet tender at the back of your neck, holding your head steady struck you in waves of shivers down your spine. And you were feeling all the same emotions you had felt that first night only now it was more intense.

So you held onto that feeling. You buried your fingers deep within its roots and clenched your fists until your hands went numb. For you felt that if you let it go it would drift off into the wind like a distant memory. Your mind was already in tatters. Barely grasping onto its blurred concept of purpose and reality. If you had even the slightest inkling that you could lose this feeling. The fulfillment of a deep need for another human being. The warmth of their touch and the satisfaction of their love for you. Feelings you had never before thought you'd be blessed to feel in your lifetime. You would shudder in terror. Because this feeling was the first in years to bring you true peace and happiness in a life you thought was predestined for hell.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now