Chapter 19- Love Rejoices with the Truth

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"Congratulations guys! You're almost done with your training!"

"W-Wait really?!" Mizuki was beyond shocked. She had only been training with this man for a day and he was already claiming that they were moments away from moving on. She had doubted that there was any way the hashira's could let her keep moving on so easily, but the determination in the flame hashira's wide golden eyes was impossible to overlook.

"Yes really!! You've far surpassed my expectations in stance and breathstyle combat! I don't believe there is much else I can test you in."

Mizuki turned to her siblings and Kaida shook her head in disbelief, "Wow...Thank you so much Rengoku-san...! That's quite the honor."

The hashira simply flashed the four siblings a huge sunny smile, "It's no problem! I'm excited to work with a group as talented and passionate as you, and I'd like to see where you guys end up! If you'd like, you could keep coming back. I'd be happy to train with you guys some more!"

Kaida frowned, "You sure we wouldn't be taking up too much of your time? I know how busy a hashira's schedule can get."

"Not at all!" the flame pillar replied before turning his golden gaze on the youngest of the four, "And I will make the time if I have to!"

Yuu nodded and offered the pillar a smile in return, "Training with some of the best isn't an everyday occurrence. So it's settled then."

Rengoku smiled and looked at the four as though he had something to say, but stopped himself when he noticed his brother appear from the corner of his eye.

"Ah Senjuro, is something the matter?"

The young boy only shook his head, "No brother. I simply wanted to see if you all wanted some of the snacks I made. You all worked very hard today, So why don't you take a break...?"

The four siblings turned to the pillar expectantly. They all had agreed internally to take the boy up on his offer since they hadn't eaten since the morning. However, they would not be allowed to take part in break time, unless Rengoku had allowed it. The flame pillar was a particularly strict teacher regardless of how kind he could be. So, when the hashira gave his brother a quick nod the four were elated.

"Sure, I don't see why not! We were just about finished for today anyway."

Senjurou smiled in reply and turned to retrieve the snacks from the house.

Tengen had started his search for Mizuki as soon as he got the confirmation from Makio that everything would be handled during his absence. He had spent the majority of the time thinking about Mizuki, and the thoughts he had only spurred him on to walk faster and faster until he had eventually entered a full sprint. He wasn't exactly sure where she might be, but it had only been four days, so she couldn't have been moved on too far in her training. He himself had kept the girl and her siblings under his training for 3 days. So four days could have been enough for her to at least be finished with the second hashira and just starting with the third. He canceled out the possibility of her being at Mitsuri's place because she was the hashira who followed after him. That alone was enough to narrow down his options until finally found himself at the residence of Kyojuro Rengoku. His lips had curled into a small frown at the thought of her being at the flame hashira's house, and he was certain of the reason why. He already couldn't bear the thought of her being in anyone else's house but his own. Let alone the house of one of the men he had slight jealousy of.

Of course, Tengen was very much aware of his own attractiveness and strength as those were definitely traits of his that he took great pride in and knew he could use to his advantage when dealing with the girl he loved. But whenever he was faced with the flame hashira he was vividly reminded of his ineptitude in regards to his actual job as a demon hunter. Certainly, he wasn't just handed the position of hashira. He knew how much he had worked to gain that status and deserved just as much respect as (if not more so than) the others. However, he also knew that he lacked in certain skill sets, as being a swordfighter was not his background. He had to learn breathstyles and all the other intricacies that would help him develop his own. But even that little bit of knowledge and skill he had, he gave credit to the very same girl he was currently about to search this man's house for.

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now